Enemy at the Gates

I do not like the movie at all, its boring and the ending is the worst i ever saw. Its a war movie without any intensive action at all, at least i dont think there is any.

5/10 It is mostly predictable and boring

7/10 The effect of German planes and bombers attacking russians is brilliant, it gives me high hope of the movie when they show it in the beginning of the movie. but again the movie disappoints me

2/10 A robot could have acted better than the main character

conclusion, in the total of 5 stars, i give it 2 stars

It was a good sniper movie, from what I can remember (saw it about a month after it came out, and haven’t seen it since). Only thing is, most of the Russians have British accents O_o .

Isnt the main actor British or something?

I thought it was a good movie when I saw it. It seems to be pretty good for being historically accurate, though I am not sure if the exact advents with that sniper happened, but that doesnt matter much. As far as I remember, I wasnt bored in any part of the movie. It really brings out the fact that the Russians where really fighting underground and bothering the Germans as they tried to advance. Id give it 4 stars out of 5.

no offense, SAM
but in the end, the german sniper just come out and let the russian sniper to kill him, i don think that is intense at all

the german actors are really bad that it spoils the story

when the bombers are trying to kill him, you know he is not going to die, and its not excited at all (good actions are even you know he is not going to die, but you feel the intense anyways)

too much development on the character, but i end up not knowing the main character much, so too much useless dialogs

this is just my opinion, it can be wrong, thanks for reading:)

I think its a good movie but just like alot of things its all Hollywooded up. :smiley: The ended is nothing like what really happened. In real life they were a pretty good distance from each other and just had a general idea of one another’s position. The german accidently bumped a peice of glass and a russian stood up and pointed and was killed right away. The russian sniper waited a few minutes and fired blindly into the spot that he thought he might be. Well turned out he was right. So he was pretty lucky. Anyhow thats the story I heard.

ah, so it was a real story. good, good.

I thought I heard somewhere that the Russian soldiers alive today were po’d at the movie. They said that they had rifles for everyone and it wasn’t as portrayed in the movie? Perhaps I misread but I believe I read it somewhere I will look for it later on. But Overall I did enjoy the movie for the most part. :smiley:

Ya but I thought I heard that it was true that sometimes conscripts would have to charge, half of them with guns, half of them with no guns. Maybe all the people who charged with no guns were killed and couldnt bash the movie :frowning:

I remember reading an article about Zytsef ( poss spelling error) at the time Enemy at the Gates came out. He was embaressed by the media attention during the engagement as he was a media/propaganda darling. The Russian forces had many more snipers with higher head counts, many of them woman who where ignored.

This is the nature of wartime propaganda, the British had one called cat’s eye’s Cunningham a night fighter pilot with a high kill ratio. The Ministry of food pounced on him with the claim that he could see in the dark because he ate carrots. This covered two issues , fistly to get the general population to eat more veg than meat ( rationed ) and to cover it’s RADAR programme.

I strongly agree, many of the female snipers were ignored in Stalingrad and Russia alone. ](http://www.imageshack.us) [/img]

I thought it was a very diffrent movie. makes a change from the standard hollywood stuff. So what if they have British accents? You wouldnt have enjoyed it in Russian? Anyway the main German character has a US accent!

I liked the movie-didnt loved it.
I was reading the other day about prizes given in German snipers.
50 kills - a wrist watch
100 kills- a hunting riffle
150 kills- a hunting trip with Himmler :shock:

Right so it was 149 then off to sick parade then

Very well said, i agree with all of that. :smiley:

Hunting trip with wolf . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The fact of this movie is that it’s a very very vague story altogether, no one really knew how it happen because there’s a huge chance it didn’t, now don’t scream at me that I’m wrong but countless evidence proves that this was Russian Propoganda to give the Red Army morale, maybe a similar battle happened, but most likely not at Stalingrad

Who knows ,but movie is good .

Yes indeed :lol:

Every country have propaganda. :wink:

State the obvious Claus :stuck_out_tongue: lol