Epic Blizzard Here

The now circulating time-lapse video of a lake effect snow band in Buffalo, NY. One part of Cheektowaga near the Buffalo International Airport has three inches of snow. Three miles away in Depew, NY, one of my friends has over 50 inches of snow at his house. I have closing on five feet of snow here with a likelihood of about six-seven feet by Friday morning:


Look after yourself, Nick, and wrap up warm. We don’t get much snow here in the Emerald Isle and, when it comes, it causes chaos. We have never really had to learn to deal with it, I suppose. Rain, now, that’s another thing … Best wishes, JR.

Hope you’re able to keep safe Nick, that’s alot for one storm. Wisconsin Lake effect was bad at times, but never so much as that. Hope you’ve some Beer stocked up. Keep warm, and stay out of danger.

Now here on the west coast its still 80 degrees at side. I know that blizzards and storms are dangerous but hell its a bit boring over here sometimes with the weather.

Hello, Kilroy - sometimes, boredom has its advantages. By the way - does it really “never rain” over there ? Best regards, JR.

No beer unfortunately, but we’ll live :slight_smile:

Now we have a second goddamn system moving in. :mad:

Will there be a warm front moving through soon? We had 19 F here last night, unusual even in February for Tenn. but by the weekend we should be in the high 60’s Hope you get some of that to help out, but not flood you out.

You may, in a clinical sense, be classed as ‘alive’ without beer, but that is not living.

Mate, as I sit here typing with a frosty by my mouse pad, I really feel your pain.

… and there are still folks in Palinburg, USA, who don’t believe in man-made climate change … Yours from Hibernia (the Land of Mists and Rain), JR.

Actually apparently we are in a drought over here in California. We have gotten around 2 and half inches of rain this year, so it is mostly sunny and warm winds. To me rather dull and I love the change of weathers, unfortunately that doesn’t happen much here. Though you do hold a good point JR, use to have a lot of advantages as a little kid.

I had a couple bloody marys to soothe my senses, but it’s just too difficult to drink much. It’s almost over, so we’ll be making up for lost time…

It’s all over, we ended up with about 62 inches/158 cm of snow. Just waiting for the poorly run Highway Dept. to clear the side streets…

Glad to hear all is well, hope the snow removal goes better than expected. If it takes too long, post something, and we’ll send out some Archaeologists to find you. :wink: :slight_smile:

He’d probably prefer a St Bernard, so long as it comes with the traditional collar…

It is likely that this is what our Nick has been up to, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: http://youtu.be/ZtoW4aV-CIc

**** the dog, just send the collar!

The driving ban is now lifted, but the inept drunken buffoon(s) that run the local Highway Dept. are now just pulling their heads out of their asses to clear side streets a mere five days after the storm started. I realize a lot of snow has fallen in a short time, but there is no excuse for this! The Blizzard of 1977 was in many ways worse, and things were still somewhat opened after maybe 2-3 days…

I could use Lady GaGa right now :twisted:

5 Ft. of snow will dent up most plans, but being that it’s Buffalo, one would expect them to have a plan for the unexpected.



I could not imagine that much snow at one time, glad to hear everything is good.