
One of the new message boxes isn’t working properly.

When I log out I get

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/xxx/public_html/forum/includes/class_dm_user.php(1668) : eval()'d code
Line: 10

And I got it after posting my OP!

I’ve had a couple of instances of this in the past day or so, where the main index shows X as the last poster but on looking at the thread it turns out that X was the last but one.

Here Gun Plumber is shown as the last one but in the British War Criminal thread there’s a later post by Chevan.

Posting in this Site Feedback thread also results in being logged out and getting fed to a blank screen.

The forum has been acting funny lately…mostly slow. It makes errors from time to time which get cleared up thru maintenance procedures run every so often. Hopefully the speed will be fixed soon.

Today the page gets white after your send the post and give no anymore information.

Definitely slow a lot of the time.

I’m using it on and it has been slow over the past few days, with no improvement with the usual cache cleaning etc.

I have the same problem.

If it helps, this is what shows in the address bar with the white screen

The forum is totally warped now, it dont let answer in the F/M section.

Yea its to the point it unbearable! I emailed ww2admin to see if he can fix it.

Hey guys,
I have been testing some things on this forum and have a new forum ready with a new look, etc but can’t roll it out yet until the rest of the website is completed. This may have been causing some problems. I’ll take a look at it.

Oh and Sandworm, I never got your email…can you tell me what email address you used because I’ve lost one of my email addresses recently and won’t be able to get it back.

Tried to PM you with it…hope it got thru!

You PMed me righit now? Well, I don’t see it…

Folks, I have uninstalled a plugin that may have been causing the problem. This should fix the issues we had. Please report if you find out any problems. Sorry about the time wasted.

Well admin yerstaday a had a lot of simular problems with wite screen , but today is all right;)
Thanks for the your care;)

As of today, I am still seeing the last but one poster listed as the last poster.

Yesterday, When inputting posts the screen doesn’t do anything, doesn’t go white, doesn’t change. Thus I have up to three copies of posts inthe threads.

Edit to add.

This one worked however.

Lets give it today and see how it goes. Then let me know if you get any more problems.

So far everything seems good!

Back in businnes.:smiley:

I have to erase several repeated post of me and others member , the desperation for posting here was enormous yesterday. :rolleyes:

an anyone tell me where my posts have gone , i have posted 53 posts the last time i logged on , now i have lost some including my Rank , can anyone explain why?