Erwin Rommel

I recently found in the wochenschau a videoclip of the famous General talking, to say the truth I had saw many documentries but I never heard the actual voice of him. Rommel was inspecting some troops in the Atlantic Wall.

Is talking about the new weapons received and…if somebody can translate more, very preciated. The date of this is early 1944.

Wochenschau footages are worth seeing, they include many semi-rare clips, like Hitler’s last video-appearance.


As you request heres the translation of Rommels Speech:

“In relation to our defences, in relation to the spirit of our troops
about the new weaponry and the new fighting spirit that’s been given to us
We can see the coming of the greatest “Reich” towards us as a great thing and… we don’t have to worry if things go good or bad… it will definitely go good and I don’t think the English will come for a 2nd time if they attempt to come here .”

I’m not quite sure what he means by a “2nd time”, because as far as i can recall there was only one invasion (D-Day) and not any other previous attempts to invade France at the Normandy beachheads.

Very, very good Feyy, thank you. I only undestood the “weapons” things, the word waffen is unmistakable. :smiley:

I’m not quite sure what he means by a “2nd time”, because as far as i can recall there was only one invasion (D-Day) and not any other previous attempts to invade France at the Normandy beachheads.

Rommel was problably speaking about the Dieppe raid in august 1942 wich was a limited invation.

I think so too.

Funny thing…looking for more pictures of Erwin I found out that there was a german frigate of Bundesrepublik Deustchland named after this famous General:

Zerstörer Rommel ( Zertörer means destroyer)

probably redundant by now. but nonetheless that is an incredible video!

…I’m back =]

I am glad that you are back ( we hope you stay)

thanks for your posting. :smiley:

hate to be off topic but thanks for the welcome and congratulations on your promotion to moderator!

Off topic: Welcome back Tiger! We had to…

I realize. But thanks for the welcome :slight_smile: .

Don’t forget the raids at Dieppe.

It was probably talk about that fact, there was also some large scale raids made by the British Comanndos like the one in Sant Nazaire in March 1942, wich was very sucessfully despite heavy losses, aniway as I said before that were raids no invations.

Did he actually plot to kill Hitler or was it a guess by Hitler?

Erwin Rommel knew about the Staufenburg case very well like many others. He would be lucky though, instead of being hung on a meat hook, he would take cyanide.

This is what happend (I think):

Basically the SS came to his home when he was in retirement, and told him that he could take the cyanide and they’d make him out to be a war hero, or they could shoot him on the spot and make him look like a traitor. Of course he chose the first option, because he did not want to be a disgrace to his country and it wasn’t painfull.

He was a great general, but was in a insane country.

Rommel knew about many attempt to kill Hitler and refused any involvment. But of course he didnt tell anyone about the attempts either. Now about his last one they dont know to what part he played but whatever there was enough to see that he had something to do with overall attempt on Hitler. But he was allowed the “easy” way out coz he was so popular with the people.

Hitler made a big mistake by giving him the death penalty.

And the first was…?

The first was General S. Patton.

Link to book about Rommel

Note the author - David Irving.