Erwin Rommel

Was he the great nazi general or not ? I believe he was . It is not easy for a leader to win the british armored divisions in North Afrika . But this is not my point . Now here is my question : Was he killed by his competitors (if this is the correct word) , or died because of his wounds ?

Rommel wasn’t a Nazi.

He was a very competent general, but overrated in popular history compared with other German generals who fought bigger battles elsewhere.

Was he killed by his competitors (if this is the correct word) , or died because of his wounds ?


He committed suicide.

Google ‘Rommel suicide’ or something similar. There’s bound to be a lot on it.

i didnt mean that he was a nazi . i meant the best general of the nazi germany . also every book i’ve read says that didnt commited
suicide . but he was forged to . but i might wrong , and don’t remember right

he was involved in a plot to kill hitler, that makes him the best to me

I agree that Rommel while was a little overrated, like most of the big name generals, there’s no question that he possessed a genius that was unique and one that escapes most. He held out against the numerically superior 8th Army for a lot longer than he had any right too, led the “Ghost Division” in France, and was cited for courage and intelligence as early as the Alpine WWI front with Italy. I think history looks kindly on him because he mostly fought a ‘clean war’ and seemed to be able to consistently think a little ahead of most of his adversaries, possessing an almost seemingly uncanny ability to read their minds.

He wasn’t an ardent Nazi, but he did display an early, almost unshakable loyalty to Hitler. And as far as his part in the plot to kill Hitler, I don’t think we’ll ever know his true involvement…

During his time, he was certainly the most popular and feared by the Allies just by name alone.


wasnt it that hitler threatened to kill his family and if rommel didnt kill himself his family would be killed instead

YUP!! :mrgreen:

finally from you two guys i found what happened to this great general .

thank you

my history is very rusty… but i thought he did of his wounds
correct me if im wrong

He was given the option of a trial, firing squad, or suicide, death sentence as well but Hitler could and did use this to blame his death on head injuries after an accident or something of the like. In other words they wanted him dead. He chose suicide in order to protect his family.
Please correct me if I’m wrong.

There was one nazi officer that had a choice too save his family.
If he choose too die ,hes family survives.

Talking of Rommels surviving family. His son Manfred had been a christian-democratic politician and the (Lord) mayor of the german town of Stuttgart from 1974 to 1996. He is a great man “collecting” titles and orders during his political career e.g. he is a honorary doctor of the Universities of Missouri, Maryland and Wales, “Guardian of Jerusalem”, “Commander of the Order of the British Empire” and many others. Today -aged 79- he suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Rommel was the commander of Hitler’s ceremonial guard unit(not SS). He caught Hitler’s eye. After Poland the Fuehrer asked Rommel what command he wished. Rommel replied a panzer division and the rest is history.

The Germans had many officers that understood the art of manuever. Few exemplified the art better than he. He also possessed the ability of determining where the enemy was weak for potential strikes. Many claim his weakness was logistics. This is true to a great degree. He had a nasty habit of outrunning his supply. In his defense consider the supply situation in N Africa. Shipping destined for the PanzerArmee was regularly intercepted and destroyed. He did not factor the sea and land distance involved.

Overlord: His defense of the Atlantic Wall called for panzer reserves be released to him before the invasion. He foresaw the impact Allied air superiority would have on troop movements particularly mechanised formations some distabce from the beaches. Interesting to consider the what if of Rommel ordering several closely deployed panzer divisions into the battle.

He did commit suicide and as others have posted chose this end rather than risk the well being of his wife and child with a trial.

IMHO Rommel was aware of a plot to kill Hitler but did not know details nor was he a part of it. He was certainly approached on some level. Perhaps his greatest flaw was his trust in Hitler. He saw his relationship with AH as special more than once meeting with Hitler to request support for one operation or another. I believe that to be the reason for his refusing the conspirators.

I do not believe him to be over rated. He performed well in Africa in a campaign he ultimately could not win once the US made it a 2 front theater.