Everyone here.

I am so in love with!!

Grammatically a bit awkward, old chap. A sentence with an object but no subject just doesn’t work.

Did you mean “I’m a neofascist slut”?

I hadn’t realised you were a neofascist.

Actually i’m more of a judeoislamofascistcommunic with a hint of democracy.


I didn’t understand that there was a religious element to your politics.

I just mistook you as a certifiable Polish nationalist nutcase.

Do you really think there’s much point to making more of a public dickhead of yourself than you have already?

I mean, how would you mother feel if she saw this?


Franz Kafka would die of envy to your talent… :mrgreen:

Strange how the opening line of The Trial is

Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K., he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning, he was arrested.

Substitute Covenanter for Josef K. and the story of unfair and unremitting conspiracies against the uncomprehending little man comes to life. :wink:

nice, thanks actually. a very intelligent statement. :-?

this post gives - in the end - a complete picture of you and your personality.


No, this girl is a neofascist slut:

You, well:

Have gone over the line…

Three demerits to you, sir. Three demerits I say! Bad internet historical revisionist!


mocking the entire cat race just because of Covenanter is not acceptable!

Egorka is right.

The fat cat with spectacles can’t help being a fat pussy.

You are being discriminatory. :smiley:

But can you not see that the Cat is his prisoner! We must help kitty escape his evil clutches before he tortures the kitty with more videos entitled “Son’s of Poland” and “Ethnically Cleansing Series Part III: How to Torture and Ukrainian Children.”

I’m pretty sure that Coventor would have been the resident Gestapo snitch in he were in Poland circa WWII…

It may be more accurate to say that you are a D, with a hint of ICK,.
If you find the company here to be distressingly misaligned to your personal pointless point of view, I am certain there is a site somewhere that caters just to you.