Extra protection - US Armor & Vehicles | Gallery

Extra protection

M4A3 (76) Sherman tanks of the 29th Infantry Division's 747th Tank Battalion in the German town of Schleiden. Spare tracks and sandbags were installed on the tanks for extra protection, all covered with canvas. January 31, 1945.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-armor-vehicles/51673/extra-protection

No you’re not mistaken ;)He did indeed put a ban on homemade extra’s on the tanks.But the tankers valued their safety more than they feared Patton’s anger I guess.There is ofcourse a lot of arguing going round wether these add-on’s were effective or just made the tankers feel more secure.In the end,when you get hit at the right spot from close up,it’s game over.