F6F Hellcat in Europe - US Navy | Gallery

F6F Hellcat in Europe

A close-up of an F6F-5 Hellcat of VOF-1 as it is waved off from landing aboard USS Tulagi (CVE-72) after a ground attack sortie during the first day of Operation Dragoon.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-navy/50999/f6f-hellcat-in-europe

Since I had to look it up: Operation Dragoon was the post-Overlord invasion of southern France. The USS Tulagi was, according to Wiki, a Casablanca-class escort carrier, which was the most numerous class of carrier ever built. Other than wondering how the photo qualifies as a “close-up,” I’ll add it’s an interesting photo. :wink: