Falaise Pocket - German Forces | Gallery

Falaise Pocket

SS Lieutenant Colonel Max Wunsche drives injured Lieutanant Rudolph von Ribbentrop-son of the Nazi foreign minister-to an aid station near Falaise. Despite a swift and disciplined escape, an estimated 50,000 Germans surrendered to the Allies at the Falaise 'pocket.' (scanned by HOS Bandit)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/33180/falaise-pocket

HOS Bandit… Thanks for the image. During the Normandy campaign, the Allies inflicted severe losses on the Panzer divisions. Of the ten divisions that were involved, only the following survived the onslaught: about 15 battalions of infantry, 72 tanks/assault guns and 2 artillery battalions.

Your welcome DieGrosseShlag. If they would have listened too Rommel instead of Rundstedt, me thinks their would have been a totally different outcome. Rommel wanted those Panzers right up on the beaches, but was overruled by Rundstedt who felt that the millions of anti- personel mines that were laid would slow up the Allies advance long enough for him to do some tricky manuevers with his Panzer Corps. We all know how well that turned out…