Falklands/Malvinas Slagging Thread

I suspect I’ve probably made a mistake in opening out that one thread and stickifying it, but it’s worth a try. Comments, guys?

Personally I have full confidence you’ll be monitoring this thread with a watchful eye.
I kept out of the threads regarding the Falklands/Malvinas War myself because my knowledge about this particular armed conflict tends towards zero. Got to clear that backlog…

I’m sick of the repetetive bickering that goes on in that thread, but if they want to do it I don’t care.

The problem from a board management viewpoint is that I suspect we’re allowing the forum equivalent of a cage fight, which doesn’t perturb me in itself but which runs the risk of accusations of inconsistent modding when we apply less tolerant - and normal - standards in other threads. PK can be relied upon to lead the charge on that account at some stage.

Perhaps just let it run and if they go completely feral then close it for good? I know FF isn’t in favour of closing threads and generally I’m not, but this one is more trouble than it’s worth as far as I’m concerned.

Just caught sight of this in amoungst all the reported spam threads that Im clearing out. I find it quite ironic that Im sitting here in the Falklands typing this.

However, I agree with the sentiments that this is the equivalent of a cage fight but at the same time I do see some more objectivity on a lot of the topics than was the case in the past.

If this section degenerated into a simple all out slanging match, then I will definitely shut it down. However, since I am here, I may take the opportunity to gauge how the locals here feel about it today and maybe use this as a debating start. Not sure how certain members will react to this though.

It would be great if some Falklanders could post.

Everybody else has expressed an opinion about them and what they ought to do and feel and accept.

Be nice to hear what they think.

Im not to sure I even want to tell a Falklander about this site, they can be very forcefull in their opinions. The majority of which seem to be, “what do you mean, I’m British”.

Still, you never know, I think I’ll build up to it.

All the more reason for them to express their opinions to the likes of PK, and for that matter the rest of us, so that we hear what they think and want about their land and future rather than what outsiders think they want.

Separate issue: How come Chevan knows you’re in the Falklands? #153 http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4251&page=11

What happens when PK works out that the SuperMod is tucked away in the Malvinas as part of his enemy?

He knows Im in the Falklands becuase I decided to change my profile location. I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice. Oh and PK is glad to join me here. We could see who can take the weather the longest, and not being a betting man, I bet it would be me as its more like Northern Scotland here than Cordoba in Argentina!

Who reads profiles, FFS?

I hope PK has got over his antipathy towards you, because if he hasn’t your presence in the Malvinas is going to light his fuse and it’s going to be interesting. :wink: