Fallen enemy - US Army | Gallery

Fallen enemy

A 3rd Division soldier is checking roadside casualties near Strasbourg, France in November 1944. The fallen soldiers are some of the German defenders (note the MG42 machinegun against the wall).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/45448/fallen-enemy

Dutifully noted, Thunderboltfan. Although I fail to see were did I lose dignity, I nevertheless extend my deepest and sincere apologies to you if my reply failed to meet the quota and upset you in any way. Please be so kind as to desregard my previous post.

Nevertheless since you also failed to answer my question, I will rephrase it as dignifying and with as much good manners as possible:

Could you, TBF, please clarify me about how will your rule work for the rest of us? By which or whose standards should we decide what is relevant and what is not? Also, if I may be so bold, why should I take notice of your request about a rule of conduct that you clearly break at your convenience?

Respectfully yours,


P.S.: This post was writen with no irony involved, I want to be perfectly clear on that. Thank you for your time

I will break my own rule and reply. There is an interesting difference between two replies to my earlier comment. While not agreeing with everything I wrote, brummbar phrased his reply with dignity and good manners. Others, please take note.