Fallschirmjäger - German Paratroopers | Gallery


Battalion commander Gerhart Schirmer. He survived the war.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-paratroopers/49831/fallschirmjager

Gerhart Schimer was taken POW by the British in 1945 but handed over to the Russians.So it was 1956 untill he was released.
I’ve been reading that several times lately,being handed over to the Russians by British or American forces.I’d like to know, what was reason for that?Warcrimes?Hidden agendas or just to be rid of these men?I can imagine that quite a lot of these POW’s could have been more valuable if put to use by the Brits or Amis instead of being sent to a,in many cases’ uncertain if not deadly future.