False Veterans

After every war some deranged people pose as veterans. USMC Association have special unit tracing and exposing such individuals.
Few days ago surfing on the net I spotted site of Chester Tuszynski.


Reading through it, I clearly seen that this is the case of “false veteran”.
Very well established false veteran! He even produced two books, one in English and one in Polish.
His claims are so fantastic, that if you read them, do it carefully, because you may get stomach cramps laughing.

Here some citations from completely crazy old bloke:

“We lived like Sahibs in this beautiful green valley. Every offcer got a Hindu servant to fan his precious head in the heat which poured out of the sky. After a month of such a vacation, stonger and relaxed, we were sent on to a training camp set up in Bombay, India. There we could really spread our wings. It wasn’t exactly a life of “dolce far niente,” as in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, but living conditions for us were still very good. Here, we not only regained our strength, but we got more training in combat skills during many training flights. We exercised our skills as pilots and prepared to fly and to fight in different kinds of planes. At this time the new Spitfires had been introduced into combat and we started to get familiar with them. We spent most of our flying time in either Spitfires or Hurricanes, because they were the main combat planes of the British Air Force.”


Our first assignment as air pilots with the British Air Force was to fight Japanese and German warships from the air. They haunted the coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean, attacking the Allied transport and passenger ships. They had paralyzed all surface transportation to and from Africa, at a time when travel around the continent of Africa was a very important strategic route, especially since the war was still going on in Africa. Africa was also an important refuge for refugees from the USSR.
The ship which was to take us to Africa was a huge one–twenty-five thousand tons. Assigned to its four decks were not only armed troops but also the families of soldiers, orphans and weapon reserves. Our pilots were assigned to cabins on the top deck.

We were directed to begin flying and guarding the strait called the Mozambique Channel. It was the strait dividing Madagascar Island from the African mainland. Our mission was to find and destroy German and Japanese ships, and submarines travelling through the strait to their base on Madagascar Island. The Island had been given by the French Vichy regime to the Axis powers for their marine warfare. We flew over the straits in turns. We had seven planes and one of us was always in the air.

Discovering large objects underwater from the air was not difficult. The water was not very deep and was very clear. The sandy bottom made detection of the submarines easy. After spotting a ship or submarine, we would bomb it until it sank. The bombs were attached to the wings of the plane. We used to drop the bombs until the oil would pour out of the submarines, looking like ink poured into the sea. In this way we destroyed many ships and some submarines. After two weeks, we were ordered to come back to the base at Capetown."

"During the first two months of my runs over Germany I flew many missions accompanying Allied bombers–huge, four-engined flying fortresses. My task was to try to take out German anti-aircraft artillery placements. This I did, with my compatriots, enabling the bombers to unload their bombs on their targets and return to their bases in England. My fellow Polish pilots had a reputation for bravery that bordered on bravado. British pilots were very good at flying, but more careful and better disciplined. They were better at flying and fighting together, while the Poles would often chase after German planes all alone.
Those were hectic days. I was transferred from division to division, depending on the task that needed to be done. I worked in Divisions 302, 303, and 304. Sometimes we worked and flew around the clock, without sleeping. If we slept at all, it was usually for only five hours or less. Sometimes, after returning from a mission, I would have a drink to relax, but didn’t manage to finish my “whisky-on-the-rocks,” when another order to fly would come and we had to hurry to get up in the air to meet the enemy.

I managed to fly missions with Division 303 during my first year of flying without any major problems, except the one where I had to eject over the English Channel. That had ended happily because I was pulled up out of the water after only fifteen minutes adrift in the Channel. More serious was the incident I had a year later, flying with the British International Division, which included French, Greek, Czech and Polish pilots, as well as British airmen. All of us flew many times over Germany, protecting the American Flying Fortresses.

Each of us dove down and headed toward England, flying over the tree tops. There was nothing else we could do. As I was being pursued by a German fighter plane, toward the dykes in Holland, I thought I was surely a goner, when I remembered that these Spitfires had wonderful booster power, causing the plane to speed up suddenly. I pressed the button and the plane leaped vertically into the air. I was pressed against the back of my seat as the plane roared upwards like a rocket, right in front of the nose of my pursuer, and once again I was up at ten thousand meters in the sky."

Through my contact with well known historian of Polish Air Force, Jack Kutzner, I managed to get real info about Chester Tuszynski…

Chester Tuszynski vel Czeslaw Ciotuszynski, born 4 of June 1918 had RAF evidence number 703667 and rank AC2 - private.
His flying experiences are unknown, because he was an electrician…

I believe that such frauds should be punishable. Even if by psychiatric treatment. What Mr Tuszynski is writing about his :inventions" clearly indicates that he badly need such treatment.

This revolutionary new concept in space exploration offers a safer and more cost-effective approach than the primitive, dangerous, and risky one that NASA proposes. Unlike the expensive and untried NASA approach of building in space, Universe Space Stations can be built in proven modular fashion on the ground and quickly and easily launched into space or planetary orbit. They also can be brought down quickly and easily at any time for maintenance and modifications.
The secret to this break-through leap in space exploration technology is an electrodynamic and superconductor magnetic anti-gravitational propulsion field that offers safe, comfortable, and high speed symmetrical space flight at speeds up to 180,000 MPH!..”

Do you know any more “false veterans” cases?



Mate , do you hear about ukrainian nationalists UPA veterans?
What do you think were those people “false veterans” or not. As you could remember they cruel killed the polish civils during german occupation (and germans nothin did to stop them).
But those mens fought agains soviet also since 1944 (Stephan Bendera 's forest-brothers).
Today they get official right to be the hero in Ukraine.

Good morning Gentlemen,

Chevan, you’re mixing two different problems.
Lancer44 found a man who claims that he had fought, but the fact is that he’s lying, he didn’t fight at all.
UPA members’ case is another problem.
You question their right to be considered as a heroes. That’s ok, I understand that. The activity of UPA is, let’s say “dual”. From one point of view, they comitted plenty of crimes, especially against civilians. Everybody agree with that it is not a reason to be proud of. For many people, Polish, Russian, Jews etc., it was nothing more than looting, rapes and genocide.
But from the other side, for some Ukrainians they are heroes, because they fought for freedom. I don’t want to start discussion about the way they chose to do it, but it is a historical fact that they did.
We can find a lot of examples in our common history of such acts: some Polish consider Red Army soldiers as a murderers, but for some Russian they are heroes. You go mad when in Baltic states people want to rise a monuments of SS-men. But for Estonians these SS-men were heroes who fought against Soviet invasion. There are many examples of such duality.

Back to the topic:
I heard that Leonid Brezniev was a “false veteran”. He wrote books about his heroism during WW2, but the fact is that he didn’t fire a single shot.
Anybody can confirm that?

I have serious doubts if Brezhnev was able to write any book… He was not sober for more then 2 hours a day - not enough time to write anything.



Hi Kovalski , glad to hear you again :wink:
I’m read what Lanser wrote about, but i think we have another unteresting moment: colloboration with Nazi -was heroism or not.
I agree with you this “dualism” is the common situation in some eastern state.
I never forget the old photo of UPA atrosities above children (they killed the children then tied to the tree by the prickly wire) They called it “the road to the independence”.
And i never belive that people who killed the children by such cruel kind could be called (even hypotetically) as a “hero who fight for freedom”.
Tell me could it be possible to name the Al-Kaida terrorists as “dualists” - they explode the civiliance so they are the bastard but at same time they fight for freedom - so its mean they are have a dual moral. According this point we easy come to the dual standarts.
If we consider the point of Estonian nationalist - WaffenSS was the hero becouse they fough against communist ocupation. Bu such way we come to conclusion then the NAzi were the hero also , becouse it had fight agains jewish bolshevism and they just libereited the Europe from the Stalin.
But we are convicted the Nazi , so why Nazi’s friend and allies may marched today in Tallin under SS svastika? And nobody in Europe (including jewish mass-media) not noted the modern pro-nazi events in some Europen states.

Back to the topic:
I heard that Leonid Brezniev was a “false veteran”. He wrote books about his heroism during WW2, but the fact is that he didn’t fire a single shot.
Anybody can confirm that?

Ha ha ha
Yes he wrote the book “Small land” about battles for Novorossisk - nobody in USSR didn’t consider it seriously. Moreover we had a lot of anecdotes about Breznev’s book and his “heroical participation in WW2”. I cann’t recal it right now but i’m sure Lanser remember.

Dear Chevan,


I meant those fellows which are pretending to be veterans…
Such people like to dress in uniforms, put some medals on their chest and become centre of attention in some situations and some special days.

In USA several people were caught impersonating or pretending to be veterans. Same in Australia. And in Poland.

I pointed bloke, which is “really dangerous” writing fantasy books.

So, please, imagine someone in Russia which during the war, (WWII), was loading railway cars with ammunition. He was in the army. This was his job.
I salute him! He was real veteran! I realy respect him!

As long as he was telling the truth about his job in the army!
If such fellow would pretend to be a fighter pilot or submarine commander…

No, …he should be locked in “psihusyhka”. Do you agree?

Do you understand now!




My friend Chevan…
Do not make my life that hard… please…
Send some jokes about Breznhev…
If they are as good as jokes about Stirlitz, I would like to see them!



Yes Yes Yes mate this thread about it :wink: Kovalski may be is agree?
OK , if you don’t like i will stop. No problems.

I meant those fellows which are pretending to be veterans…
Such people like to dress in uniforms, put some medals on their chest and become centre of attention in some situations and some special days.

In USA several people were caught impersonating or pretending to be veterans. Same in Australia. And in Poland.

I pointed bloke, which is “really dangerous” writing fantasy books.

So, please, imagine someone in Russia which during the war, (WWII), was loading railway cars with ammunition. He was in the army. This was his job.
I salute him! He was real veteran! I realy respect him!

As long as he was telling the truth about his job in the army!
If such fellow would pretend to be a fighter pilot or submarine commander…

No, …he should be locked in “psihusyhka”. Do you agree?

Do you understand now!

I understand what you wrote about , Lancer. I don’t think he must be sended to the “psihyshka”(it’s not fact he is gander for environment , may be just ill imagination), and certainly “veterans” who dressed today in nazi uniform are much more danger.

My friend Chevan…
Do not make my life that hard… please…
Send some jokes about Breznhev…
If they are as good as jokes about Stirlitz, I would like to see them!

What do you want? Easy life? Forget about it :):slight_smile:
I just thought you know good joke about Breznev. OK.
Send you one. but this is not about his “participation in WW2”.

Olimpic games 1980.Moscow. Comrade Breznev finishing to read the speech in 80 thousands stadion.
“…and let me from the all the soviet people declare the olimpic games are opened”
Then after the little pause “…storm of nonstopped applause”
Publick begin the ovations but Braznev continied after the pause:
Voice behind " Leonid Iliych don’t need to read this is the olimpic rings" …:slight_smile:

It was the his latest time in power in 1981-82 indeed.
In this period Breznev was like a corpse and soviet medicine ( together with Cuban famouse doctors why made the Fidel Castro “immortal”) supported him to live.
But in 1960-70 he was very active in Comparty and he was the real leader.

You are crating a gross OFF TOPIC…

Anyway, joke about Breznhev:

1981, martial law in Poland, Ronald Reagan said to Andrey Gromyko:

  • Your invasion of Afghanistan and pressure on Poland is unacceptible!
    As a sanctions we stop delivery of spare parts for Breznhev!

Gromyko after making a quick phone call:

  • We don’t care about your sanctions regarding spare parts for Breznhev. We just made decision to dismantle Suslov!



Stick to the bloody topic or be forever labeled as a bloody troll!

And his son was a Mafioso cunt…

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Do you remember a joke that the COCOM embargoed the spare parts for Brezhnev?

G. :cool:

Just this one with dismantling Suslov for spare parts…


Saying that you are a Vet and displaying medals that you did not earn in military combat is a Federal crime ,I have seen many news articles of people doing some heavy jail time here in the States LOL

Same in most of EU countries.
Case which I pointed is even worse. He may be locked, but who can stop selling of his books? His books are total rubbish, but they went into circulation in many second hand book shops…

Since first post, I managed to confirm that this bloke was an electrician in 303 Squadron.
Nothing wrong with it! Great, thanks to many sparkies, Spitfires and Hurricanes were flying. But he got delusions and now he is/was posing as a fighter pilot.
His book was even bought by Warsaw Polish Military Academy…
Obviously persons responsible for purchases have no clue or means … and they never read these books.
Only fanatics like us, from various Forums can pick up idiocy.

Therefore one manic is creating a completely false history!
In another 50 or 60 years some historian will write about Polish pilots chasing Japanese submarines… Total fiction… Bur “proved” by vet crap book.



Some states in the US have made it a misdemeanor to display a military decoration not earned, especially the Purple Heart…

Lancer44 wrote

Obviously persons responsible for purchases have no clue or means … and they never read these books.
Only fanatics like us, from various Forums can pick up idiocy.

They wouldn’t have time to check everyone out before purchasing a book. The book was probably bought as a tester, read and then binned. A book like this would usually be bought in numbers for this sort of school once verifed as worth having.

Glad to hear this. Totally the right thing to do.

Perhaps you’re right… Book is so idiotic…
He wrote: “Pacific Ocean water is so clear that jap submarines were clearly visible and easily bombed by our Spitfires and Hurricanes.”

I had stomach cramps…



Those that try it in the UK soon find the WaltenKommando after them. That’s actually how a number of us ended up on here, in a sort of roundabout way (thanks to the antics of Tinwalt).

You too :smiley:

I came for Erwin. But stayed for Arkantos and Irish Duck… and Irontit.

Them were the days.

Maybe we could get Golden on here for a bit of mental sparring.