Father Antonio Intreccialagli - Italian Forces | Gallery

Father Antonio Intreccialagli

Father Intreccialagli, chaplain of the Legione Tagliamento. People interested can read his story here http://ilcovo.mastertopforum.net/memorie-di-un-cappellano-della-rsi-vt1515.html and listern an interview here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tImBmkMoCs DVX

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/italian-forces/40625/father-antonio-intreccialagli

Is this a real photo or just a propaganda shot? I thought Padres were supposed to be unarmed?

Depends on the country. In the UK padres can carry a weapon for self defence and to protect those they are with who can not ie wounded, civilians etc. It is down to the actual padre to decide though.