Favorite Army General (Serving or Retired)

Who’s your favorite army general of all time? Mine has to be Tommy Franks, but what about you?

Marlborough,Wellington, Slim in that order.

Well working my way backwards.
General Norman Swartzkopf (GW1),
General Giap (Vietamese General),
General Douglas MacArthur, General Patton, General Rommel, Admiral Yamamoto (WW2)

General John Pershing (WW1)
General Stonewall Jackson (US Civil War)

General Washington,(Of course :wink: ) John Paul Jones (Not really a Gen. or Admiral) General Lafayette (American Revloution)
General Napoleon Bonaparte, General Wellington, Admiral Nelson (That Fucking Mess in Europe war :D)

Others would include:
Alexander the Great, Ceasar, Alcibiades (Peloponnesian Wars)

Well thats about it for now I might have missed a few but there are some good ones in there.

Erwin Rommel,Heinz Guderian,General Patton,Mac Arthur from WW2


Mosconi,Urdapilleta,Von der Becke,Vaccarezza and Farrel from Argentina.

anybody more here to post?

Why do people always for get von Manstein. Probably the greatest German General of the war.

Hey can you put more informtions about von Manstein.

Rommel, Moyshe Dayan (israël), Bigeard (Indochina, Algeria (french colonization wars)), Leclerc ( :smiley: ), Patton, De Gaulle, Cesar, Bonaparte, Krouchtchev…


In no particular order; Wellington, Slim, Patton, Monty, Napoleon (he may have been french but we can’t help how we’re born), Rommel, Marlborough, Sir john Moore
and many others i can’t remember

NAPOLEON WAS BORN IN ITALY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

NAPOLEON WAS BORN IN ITALY :smiley: :smiley: :D[/quote]

I think you’ll find that he was born in Corsica which belongs to France.

Shhhhh !

Stop clouding the issue with facts !

Shhhhh !

Stop clouding the issue with facts ![/quote]

Don’t worry, if he comes back and says that Corsica is actually Italian, I will just agree (nod and smile, nod and smile).

My doctor says that the homicidal urges will fade once I accept that facts are merely there to be disputed. I just need to calm down, be assimilated and let dullardy take over my life.

Napoleon was born Napoleone Buonoparte on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica. “Napoleon Bonaparte” was the French pronunciation of his name. France had bought Corsica from Italy in 1768 making him the first French member of his previously Italian family
(quoted from a site i don´t remember)
well,tecnically he is.
but it was bought,one year before, and he had italian family,so,it isn´t french at all.

btw,you can´t offend my with your foreigner phrases as dullardy :wink: .
corsica is actually french,we were talking about the years of napoleon,were does that come from?.
that cheap sarcasm don´t goes with me,so,don´t be troll.

I wasn’t talking about you, so don’t get your knickers in a twist!

Of course, you are right, he was Italian, I bow down to your superior knowledge. In fact, everyone here is right, even if two people on this site have diametrically opposed views they are still both right.



I’m sure Napoleon doesn’t really give a f***.

I choose to the General José de San Martín.

Argentinian, fought agaisnt the spanish, in order to obtain the Liberation of America.

The General started fighting near to my town. The first battle fought between creoles and spanish, in San Lorenzo, on the coast of the Paraná River.

San Martín liberated to Argentina, Chile and Perú from the spanish crown, crossing throw the Andes ranges, the tallest, largest and biggest mountains from America.

The picture illustres the Chacabuco Battle, in the border between Argentina and Chile, the center of the Andes Range.

Here, in the $5 bill, of Argentina.

I started fighting in my town.
They never made me a bloody general though !

Well not yet anyway.