Favorite Modern Tank

what’s your favorite tank? Mines either the Challenger II or the M1A2 Abrams tank. So what do you guys think?

I really like the abrams,it´s heavier than challenger,so,i vote the abrams.

argentinian army is going to buy some of them,i can´t wait!!! :smiley:

Cant wait? Not exactly like you are going to ride the thing :smiley:

Cant wait? Not exactly like you are going to ride the thing :D[/quote]
no ,snif snif :smiley:

The M1A2 looks good but has been knocked out several times in Iraq and not just mobility kills (track damage ). Challenger 2 has performed well, only one knock out ( blue on blue to another Chally ). Leopard 2 is faster and more manoverable but is untested in actual combat and has been mentioned on other thread the future is for MBT’s is in multi task capability ( horse’s for course’s).
The M1A2 utilieses Chobam armour while the Callenger 2 has the updated Dorchester armour. Bigger isn’t always better as there are so many variables to take into account.
The MBT’s that we see today where developed with the cold war in mind ie, European theatre and tank to tank contact. While there was tank battles during OP Granby ( Desert Storm ) Iraq was more than out gunned coellition forces. The real test would be M1A2 v Callenger 2 and would depend on defensive amour capability.

The CR2 may well outrange the Abrams thanks to it’s rifled gun.

Is HESH (which only CR2 and the Indian tanks can use) more effective against armour then HEAT/APFSDS?

Depends what you’re shooting at. APFSDS just goes through lightly-armoured vehicles without doing much damage - it just pokes 2 holes. The pressure wave might make a mess of the guys inside, but won’t knock the vehicle out unless it hits something vital.

The US is regretting not having HESH for general use in SP of Infantry. But when the C2 ammo eventually runs out and C2 gets its new gun they will probably loose the ability to fire HESH.

I really can’t see why they can’t buy ammo from India (IIRC they are the same gun) and tell the Germans and Yanks where to stick their nasty smoothbore rubbish. :twisted: