Favorite Regimental/Unit Insignia

For me, It’d have to be the SS’ Deaths Head, It looks cool, even though it is associated with suffering. :cry:


yes,the SS heads are cool

yes,they tortured,but im admirator of the waffen-ss who fought,no the torturers,so,don´t come here and protest,because the waffen-ss are my favourite,and the best troops in the world for me.

im not guilty of the bad actions of SOME waffen-ss soldiers,and they have the best uniform ever seen.

Well the Waffen-SS were implicated in several warcrimes too but whatever… Don’t think it would be good to generalize the whole Waffen-SS as criminals.

Well, my favorite insignia is from the 12th SS division. I don’t know why but I absolutely love the key with the S bolt in it. I find it quite nice.

My 2nd favorite is the 1st U.S divison insignia because it’s just plain awesome :smiley:

you´re right francis :wink:

O FFS, dont bring this into every thread, if you want to go worship the Nazis start a Valhalla thread or something, its getting mucho boring now. Anyway, the deaths head wasnt a Nazi invention, at least 1 British and 1 Prussian cavalry (I think) unit had it way before hand.

There was several Prussian/Hanoverian/Baverian units that used it before Germany was founded, as well as several German WW1 units. In Britain a Lancer Regiment (think it was the 5th) have used it for a good couple of hundred years.

im bored of hearing british army on every thread,and uk,and england,and gurkhas,as i was bored of the good save the queen.
i don´t have nothing against your country,but im getting tired of this.
I will talk with the good brits and leave you.

btw,the prussians had it first,and they´re germans :wink: .

im bored of hearing british army on every thread,and uk,and england,and gurkhas,as i was bored of the good save the queen.
i don´t have nothing against your country,but im getting tired of this.
I will talk with the good brits and leave you.

btw,the prussians had it first,and they´re germans :wink: .[/quote]

yes ok Erwin im a bad brit for disliking the Nazis, of course.

im bored of hearing british army on every thread,and uk,and england,and gurkhas,as i was bored of the good save the queen.
i don´t have nothing against your country,but im getting tired of this.
I will talk with the good brits and leave you.

btw,the prussians had it first,and they´re germans :wink: .[/quote]

The thread is called favourite Regimental/Unit Insignia.
Do you really expect no British Units to come up?
The rest of us are getting pretty tired of hearng about the Waffen SS in every thread too, but this is an open forum, so we live with it: I suggest you live with it too.

17th/21st Lancers: 17th Lancers Badge since 1760

17th Light Dragoons in 1760 surely?

im bored of hearing british army on every thread,and uk,and england,and gurkhas,as i was bored of the good save the queen.
i don´t have nothing against your country,but im getting tired of this.
I will talk with the good brits and leave you.

btw,the prussians had it first,and they´re germans :wink: .[/quote]

The thread is called favourite Regimental/Unit Insignia.
Do you really expect no British Units to come up?
The rest of us are getting pretty tired of hearng about the Waffen SS in every thread too, but this is an open forum, so we live with it: I suggest you live with it too.

17th/21st Lancers: 17th Lancers Badge since 1760[/quote]
well mate,i was tired of gurkhas too.
but,you cease,i cease. :wink:

I’m tired of all this SS apologist crap. In my book you are no differnt from the sad tossers camped ouside the court house during the Michael Jackson trial,( inspite of the evidence presented , you know he did it)
The victims of the Holocaust did’nt differentiate between SS units. As my old Geogrphy( WW2 Veteran) Teacher once said , " I don’t care what it said on their belt buckles if you are shovelling people into a furnace God is not on your side".
The SS where the epitomy of the evil that visited Europe during the from the mid 30’s and until 1945. To see them as some kind of glamorous heroic worriors is just so wrong in so many ways.
If any of you SS fans would like to post your views against some US WW2 veterans try Mil.com discssions/History I’m sure tours and recon will put you straight or tear you a new one.
Im sure of one thing , Had Germany won the war I would not be making this post, It is due to better men than us that you have the freedom to have your distorted view, think on

Quite right.
I blame the red mist. :slight_smile:

Of course the badge on my signature is my favourite!

To what unit belongs that badge?

And let’s not forget my own regiment

My signature badge is the regimental capbadge of the Royal Glouscetershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment the best regiment in the British army, cos i said so :lol: