Favorite WW2 Commander-Vote Dammit :)

Who do you think was the best commander of WW2? Might be best to split them into catagories. Army, Navy, Air Force.

i’ll just say Erwin Rommel.

Patton. What did Rommel ever do that lasted?

Lol Patton well Rommel was held back by hitler etc. so he did well considering that.

WHilst Patton was in charge of a numerically superior army which would have really had to mess up to lose.

The German commanders were years ahead of the rest but held back by the Rulers who wouldn’t let them make decisions,For example D-day would quite possibly have ended in disaster for the Allies if the local Germann commanders had been allowed to deploy the available forces without seeking permission from Berlin.

I have to add Patton was held up by his big mouth so this probably puts him on the same level as Rommel insofar as problems in the background.

As far as the army goes…I have to say that Heinz Guderian is my favorite commander. Nobody did more to change the face of modern warfare than this man.

Naval commanders…I like Isoroku Yamamoto. Must have been hard to have planed such a successful attack that you knew was a really bad idea.

Air force…that one is hard ill have to give it more thought.

plus,Rommel was a gentleman.

Die besten Kommandeure es Gitler und Stalin! Die dummen Amerikaner. Immer prahlen in dienstlicher Angelegenheit!


So how is Dresden looking these days?

I say G. Jukov

поддерживаю! РОССИЯ ВПЕРЁД!!!

Russischer Fritz you are Russian?

Id have to say that Bernard Law Montgomery was best for the army. He began the offensive of El ‘Alamein, and did an excellant job defeating Rommel in North Africa. And also ruled sucessfully over troops in Europe.

Ja ja… :slight_smile:

Ja ja…
Я тоже, тока Украинец

значит Мы Вместе!!!

Russischer Fritz пролитарии всех стран снова соединяются!!

This seems to be a decent site for translating russian into english and vice versa.


Just thought it might be useful for those that dont speak Russian.

Russischer Fritz do you miss the “old days” ???

links not found

Im thinking maybe Russischer Fritz and I were using the same site or sites run by the same people for our translations. The link is just down at the moment. Ill keep search and see if I find anything. Please post if you happen to find something as well.

I use PROMT 7. In Russia all programs are cracked. We use all of them absolutely free of charge. For example Windows XP costs{stands} in Russia 2 $. You buy in any booth and you use yet will not bother :)…
Therefore dear friends, do not puzzle. I do not use the Internet for translation{transfer} :slight_smile: