Few minutes before the ends - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Few minutes before the ends

Oblique aerial photograph taken from the first of twelve Bristol Beaufighters of No. 272 Squadron RAF that made a low-level attack on the Italian liner REX in Capodistria Bay south of Trieste, September 8, 1944 (see caption of other photo on same subject). Although the rocket projectiles fired by this aircraft can be seen to have missed the vessel, she was subsequently hit by 59 RPs and numerous cannon rounds fired by the other Beaufighters, which left her on fire and badly listing. The REX was finished off later that day by twelve more Beaufighters from No. 39 Squadron RAF and No. 16 Squadron SAAF when, following another attack with RP and cannon, she rolled over and sank in the shallow water. The wreck of this Italian superb ocean liner was scrapped between 1947 and 1958. Victor Sierra .

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/dramatic-photos/42131/few-minutes-before-the-ends

Reply to Evillittlekenny: the last trip of Rex was on May 1940. Parked at Genoa, after the bombardement of this town was trasnferred at Trieste.Seized by Germans was transferred at Capodistria. Victor Sierra

Why was it then bombarded actually? Were there no more valuable targets close by?