Fiat G.50 in color - Italian Forces | Gallery

Fiat G.50 in color

A pair of Italian Regia Aeronautica’s Fiat G.50bis “Freccia” (Arrow) fighters on servicing (note an air compressor on the right), on the chock and with split flaps down, on a Libyan airfield, perhaps Tripoli Castel Benito airfield. The planes are two different camouflage’s types and also the engine cowling’s camouflage of the aircraft Number 15, that in foreground (note the number over the chock and over the leading edge), is different from those of entire plane. Both are the propeller spinner painted in red and only the half of the engine cowling painted in yellow on the contrary of other G.50s in North Africa with had the entire engine cowling in yellow. Over the engine cowling is clearly visible the sand filter. Victor Sierra

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Found some info for this photo.Fiat G50 with the very dense mottle camouflage is from 395 Squadriglia, 154 Gruppo Autonomo, Caccia Terrestre, campo di Brindisi, Spring 1941 and the aircraft is 395-15.Source- Fiat G50 by Nicola Malizia, IBN Editore.