Field Marshal Erwin Rommel - German Forces | Gallery

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (1891-1944)

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He was highly respected by his own troops, as well as the enemies he fought. It was his leadership in the North African campaign that established the legend of the Desert Fox. He is considered to have been one of the most skilled commanders of desert warfare. He later commanded the German forces opposing the Allied cross-channel invasion in Normandy, France. He was never assigned to the Eastern Front. Rommel is regarded as having been a humane and professional officer. His Afrikakorps was never accused of war crimes. Soldiers captured during his Africa campaign were reported to have been treated humanely. Late in the war, Rommel was linked to the conspiracy to kill Hitler. Due to his wide renown, Hitler chose to eliminate him quietly; in trade for the protection of his family, Rommel agreed to commit suicide.