Fiendish Japanese

This novel Japanese anti-rape vending machine.

could be taken a step further into a used panty vending machine, which are quite popular in Japan, to calm down a potential rapist.

Yes, but if you spotted by a Japanese vending machine rape gang, your night is ruined…

Would this add a new dimension to coin in the slot?

Are you sure its an anti-rape device ?

I think it might have been designed by a fifth-column of Nip kiddy-fiddlers, just look at the instructions:

  1. Wear this anti-rape skirt when going into angerous areas or out at night.
  2. If you feel that rape might be imminent, remove the skirt…

Well, it’s a start …

I want to see the manhole (would it be better titled womanhole?) cover in operation.

Call me stupid, but I reckon even your slimmest Asian sheila would be doing brilliantly to look anything better than a tortoise after shoving herself into the cunning manhole cover bag.

Is there a law in Japan which says that potential rapists have to stop, cover their eyes, and count to 100 when a victim calls ‘Barley’, to give them time to erect their vending machine or get under their personhole cover?

I beginning to wonder if there is a fetish that the Japanese porno industry won’t adeptly cater too?