Film - Hurricane (About 303 Polish Squadron)

Seems to be for one day only - 2nd September 2018 UK

I’m booking my seat!



Looks interesting, but like all films it can be expected to distort historical accuracy for dramatic effect. Doesn’t mean it won’t be entertaining. (Unlike Dunkirk, which was implausible and, apart from pyrotechnics, not much of a film.)

I nearly dismissed ‘Hurricane’ because of my scanning / speed reading mistake that Mel, rather than Milo, Gibson was an improbable main character.

Popular belief, among the few who have any interest in or knowledge of WWII nowadays, credits the Spitfire as the war winner for Britain when it was the less attractive but much sturdier Hurricane which did more of the hard work.

But the main factor in Britain’s success in the Battle of Britain was that it managed to put aloft enough pilots to stem the German assault, and it was the dwindling number of pilots, regardless of where they came from, who won the Battle of Britain.

Polish pilots, who it is often forgotten were very well trained in Poland and, unlike green British pilots sent aloft in the Battle of Britain, often had some combat experience against the Germans before coming to Britain, made a significant contribution to Britain’s success.

Looks interesting, but like all films it can be expected to distort historical accuracy for dramatic effect. Doesn’t mean it won’t be entertaining.

For something historical try a documentary that was shown on UK TV:-


I think I’ve seen it on DVD in past year or two.

Away from home so can’t check now if I have it.

Looks like the film “Hurricane” in on general release in the UK from the 7th September!