Finish Lahti L-39 20 mm - Finnish Forces | Gallery

Finish Lahti L-39 20 mm

Lahti L-39 20 mm Anti-Tank rifle training

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi FTG, in response to your comment about these being in private ownership – I’ve come across a lot of photos of this ATR in private hands, both as a re-enactment weapon, and as a novelty on firing ranges and such. A google image search (e.g., “Lahti 20mm” or “Lahti ATR” will provide several examples within a few pages of results. Regarding the weapon itself, IIRC, there were two prototypes of that saw action during the Winter War; as Rytis said, during the Continuation War, it was found ineffective against the newer Soviet tanks. As I recall the AA conversion of the gun was fully automatic, and was intended for use only against low-flying aircraft (e.g., on a strafing run) – and with 20mm AP rounds at full auto, you didn’t need to hit the pilot to bring the pane down - one good hit to the engine (or other vulnerable areas) would do the trick! :slight_smile: I believe, however, the full-auto version stilled used the same magazine, which had a 10-round capacity, so that would limit the guns effectiveness a bit.

If you are redneck vith too mouch money, prefer no substitutes!

Oh, I am neither rich nor a redneck (I guess) but I wouldn’t mind owning one. No more “Sir, would you like to make a donation…”!