Finnish Jewish soldiers - Finnish Forces | Gallery

Finnish Jewish soldiers

Jewish soldiers on home leave posing infront of their hometown synagogue at Turku, during the Continuation War. Over 350 Jewish soldiers served in the Finnish Defence Forces during WWII. 15 of them died during the Winter War(1939-1940) and 8 during the Continuation War(1941-1944).

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Technically, the Finns were co-belligerents, not allies, of the Germans (and during the Winter War, they weren’t even that). In general, the Germans respected Finland’s fighting forces highly; but I suspect on the social level, if a German soldier became aware of a Finnish soldier’s being Jewish, he would treat him pretty much as he would treat him (socially) they way he would treat any other Jew - meaning it would vary according to the German in question. Certainly, they had no power or authority to do anything nasty.

Cool picture. Such an interesting story, Jewish soldiers on the German side. I hope their allies were respectful of their contribution. What did the Germans make of them?