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Firing squad

German firing squad ready to execute partisans.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

whether it is considered legal or not, my view is, no matter what, you fight, any way you can, for your nation (if you love that nation).

I’m not sure however, that an international court should be entitled to judge episodes such as this. (I have a view that executing partisans --often called terrorists for their actions-- is not in the same league as the rounding up of the Jews and their ultimate fate…which is/was TERRIBLE)

I hope no one mis-interprets my comment. Thanks for the great website :slight_smile:

"While most partisans were quite inept": what makes you think that, Scott? Have you ever met a partisan personally? Because I have (during my studies). You may argue that the Resistance was just a way of getting France back into the war after the defeat of 1940 (which would be narrow-minded), but then, I guess Eisenhower was a liar when he said the Resistance was worth 15 regular divisions. By the way, do you know how the Germans called the Grenoble/Lyons area? The Little Russia…

Folks - at the risk of getting involved in a really good row - the legal status of partisans in the period to 1945 is not without complexities. I tend to stand on the side of the moral right to resist oppression and illegal governance, myself - but I know there are opposing arguments. As to “inept” - there certainly seems to have been a lot of ineptitude around. On the other hand - is it realistic to condemn Tito’s Partisan army as inept ? Not to mention many very effective Partisan units in occupied Soviet territories ? Not a simple matter, I think. Best regards to all. JR.