Firing test - Italian Forces | Gallery

Firing test

... for the 149.40 semovente prototype. Perhaps in the firing-ground of Nettuno. 1943. The only one semovente 149/40 built was captured by Germans after Italian armistice, and later captured again by US forces. Now it's exposed in US artillery museum of Aberdeen.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

According to magazine "Storia Militare", September 2011, the photo was taken at firing-ground of Polcevere stream outlet, July 1943.

I read about this thing, the US Americans examined it and were quite happy to not have to face it on the battle fields.

Only in 1943, when the war was already lost, Italy started to produce modern armaments: for example the fighters of serie 5 (Macchi 205, Reggiane 2005, Fiat G55) or the tank P26/40…
Too late, too scarse.