First American to die in Europe - US Army | Gallery

First American to die in Europe

This is a photo of the Canadian raid on Dieppe France in August of 1942. Of the dead soldiers in the photo, the nearest one is Canadian and furthest one is American. This was the first American to die in Europe in the Second world War. 50 US Rangers landed with the Canadians that day. Many of them were casualties as were 3000 Canadians, either killed, wounded or taken prisoner. This is a repost of this picture but I think it is important to note the American casualty in the photo. I can not recall his name but will do some research and enter it on this post.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I should also mention that many young American men journeyed to Canada at their own expense and joined every branch of the Canadian armed forces. Canada declared war on Germany in 1939 and many young men from the states took up arms with Canada from 1939 to Dec 1941. There was even some recruiting taking place in some of the larger US cities on an unofficial basis by Canadian recruiters especially for any men with flying experience. Canadians fought on both sides during the American civil war, as well as some Canadians were with Teddy Roosevelt at his charge up San Juan Hill. Many Americans came to Canada during the First world War and fought as Canadians in the trenches long before the US entered the war. One American joined the Canadian Scottish Regiment and won the coveted Victoria Cross.