First "Folgore" - Italian Forces | Gallery

First "Folgore"

Again the most famous Italian fighter of WW2 and perhaps of all-time: the Macchi MC.202 "Folgore" wich Mario Castoldi designed around the German engine DB601 (the acronym MC mean Macchi-Castoldi). The photo now selected depict the first prototype of MC.202 (MM445)wich flew for first time at Lonate Pozzolo, near Varese, August 10, 1940. Pilot Guido Carestiato wich was the test pilot of all Macchi's aircraft until MB-326 (first flight December 1959). After the first flight at Lonate Pozzolo, the plane was transferred at Guidonia for evaluation tests and at Furbara for firing tests, all with positive conclusions, and at September 1940 the Regia Aeronautica signed the first order. The industries involved in the production of "202" were the Aermacchi, Breda and la S.A.I. Ambrosini at Passignano sul Trasimeno . First deliveries of MC.202 built by Macchi at may 1941, first aircraft built by Breda at Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) at July of same year followed by aircraft S.A.I. Ambrosini (Passignano sul Trasimeno, near Perugia). Note the shape of canopy of prototype, main difference between MM445 and series aircraft.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I add another difference: the tail wheel, retractable on the prototype, fixed on series aircraft. Victor Sierra