Flak damaged P-47 - US Army Air Force | Gallery

Flak damaged P-47

A flak damaged Thunderbolt from the 367th FS, 358th FG, 9th AF after crash landing at an airfield in France. The pilot was wounded by the flak and knocked unconscious when the plane nosed over.(rudeerude)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army-air-force/29280/flak-damaged-p-47

P-47D-20-RE S/N 4276436. Modellers notes:
The landing surface is heavy wire mesh, not PSP.
Unlike 8th AF T-Bolts of this period, the original narrow tipped propeller is still fitted.
The belly tank is still in place and is riddled with holes.
The tail-wheel has castored forwards.
Extra, unpainted rear-view mirrors are mounted on the fuselage either side of the windscreen.
D-Day stripes on wing are not of uniform width.
The overall paintwork is almost pristine.