Flak to Jagdwaffe

During the second half of the war, Allied bombers are more and more reaching deep to the German land. And in 1944, the force of Flak was peaking up. However this being hindered by Erhrad Milch, in his statement, " Flak is undoubtly a necessity,. but to fight bombers, fighters is still the ultimate answer." (or more or less like it)

Considering the effect, as per evaluation by the Bomber Command, that Flak inflicted more damage to the Bombers than the interceptors. Similar respond from Jagdflieger, " the safest sky is, when you’re flying over germany inside allied airplane’."… and another funny comment by a German pilot “,… now we have more bailt out credit more than kills…”

Does it really matters should all the defensive efforts put to Flak units to defend the Vaterland,… or is it still Fighters were the ultimate answer, given situation on the late of 1943,… and in late 1944,… according Galland; previously,. the kill ratio of a bomber and the lost of fighter was 1:1,. and when p51 and p47 joining the bomber group… it is becoming 1:2 or even 1:3

What? …

Mr. Panzerknacker and Mr. tom! (or Mr. genkistan) somewhere posted a nice statistic, that it needed several thousand FlaK shells to shoot down one Allied Plane (i remember the statistic was made on the FlaK 18/36 weapon)

But one can say, that the German Fighters had been outnumbered by the Allied ones and i am sure that is why so many fighters got shot down. Especially since Mid 1944 the Allied Bombers were escorted by Fighters all the way (because of the new Airbases in France and later Belgium etc.) to the bombing zone and back.

Hell i don’t even get the sense of what you wanted to show us, wouldn’t it been better to post that somewhere in the Luftwaffe Fighters Thread? :roll:

PS: I always find it absolutely ridicolous when speaking about a ‘kill ratio’. One Nation/Army isn’t necesarily better etc., if they have a higher ‘kill ratio’ against another Nation/Army.

If you really want to get into that matter,
you must read herr Speer autobiography… since he was the war minister. He really knew was tremendous effort the german industry was up to. All those thousands of 88’s assigned to AA were not available to the army in the east, where they were most needed against tanks.
(the numbers are impressive… the results, not so…)

I read Joachim Fests book called ‘Speer’ and there he said, that Speer mostly built so many FlaKs, because he hated Göring and so he didn’t wanted to ask him, if he would be so kind to cover his production sites etc. (what Göring would have negated for sure, because he also wanted to be the minister for economy, like he was already chief of the four-year-plan, and had a harsh conversation with Speer, because Speer and not he took over Todts organisation)