Flamethrower - Soviet Forces | Gallery


Flamethrower in action. (Caption and title changed)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/soviet-forces/20052/flamethrower

I am not sure what "lpg" is suppose to stand for, but the photo is of a Soviet (NOT German) soldier using a ROKS 2 flamethrower. It was used in the early war, and was made to look as much like a "field pack and rifle" as much possible, as a kind of camouflage. The model was replaced by the more-common ROKS 3, with a bulky tank, but with the same rifle-type of discharger. Finns used captured specimens as the M/41-R.

Ardee, thanks for the info. I was wondering about the unknown (zo me) looks of the "backpack". BTW, the poster tried a little joke here, "LPG" means "Liquified Petroleum Gas" as a fuel for cars.