Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri"

Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri"

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/28408/flettner-fl-282-andquotkolibriandquot

Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" (hummingbird), the first German helicopter that was supposed to be mass-produced. See here: http://www.ww2incolor.com/german-air-force/Flettner+Fl+282.html

the firts time i see that chopper in color, very well done

Incredible photo. Another one of the Nazi ‘black projects’?? I hope the pilot knows what he is doing; otherwise he and the expensive prototype will end up in the drink.