Flight over Vienna - US Army Air Force | Gallery

Flight over Vienna

An American bomber B-24J Liberator trails smoke from interior left engine as it flies through heavy flak over Vienna. Excepting a lone air raid of Russian Pe-2s, 4 September 1942, Vienna was attacked by air only from 1944 when was reached by Allied bombers deployed on the bases of the Foggia Airfield Complex, Southern Italy. With a ring of anti-aircraft batteries set up around the city and three pairs of Flak Towers, Vienna was a very hard target for American bombers during WW2. The plane of this photo is a 451st Bombardment’s ship, 49th Bomb Wing, US Army Air Force. Based at Castelluccio Airfield, Foggia Airfield Complex, the 451st was one of the most decorated 15th Air Force’s units, but also one of the most battered: 135 B-24s lost in 216 missions.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army-air-force/44400/flight-over-vienna

Does any one know if this plane made it back to base? I know its hard to know