Flying Horse in Argentina.

No kidding… look this one.

Rally car driver [b]Federico Villagra[/b] hit a horse during the Argentine Rally. Villa was racing his Mitsubishi Evo on a dirt track in province of Rio Negro, Patagonia when his car was overwhelmed by a herd of wild horses. Villagra was unable to avoid one of the horses, sending the horse flying 30 feet into the air.

Sadly, the horse sustained serious injuries and had to be let down. Villagra was unharmed.

The poor animal…where i come from colliding with wildstock on rural roads is quite common.
Thanx for the clip.

Probably there are flying zebras and lions there :slight_smile:

The most common are sheep, goats and cattle. Zebras and lions are mostly cosigned to enclosed game reserves.

We have our share of deer here. Fortunately they are smaller white tail variety but still do damage to vehicles.

Well , evidently colliding with a larger animal is more dangerous, usually around here that type of accidents caused automatically death for the car passengers, Villagra and his co-driver was very lucky.

The good thing about the deer is that you could pick it up and make a meal :slight_smile:

The most common are sheep, goats and cattle. Zebras and lions are mostly cosigned to enclosed game reserves

yea, I knew it, i was kidding a little.

PK, what does the driver (or is it the co-driver?) yell in the moment of the collision?

Some variation on “oh bother” I should imagine…

PK, what does the driver (or is it the co-driver?) yell in the moment of the collision?

i only can hear an Oauuu or something like that, wich obiously had no meaning but surprize and horror.

I rather expected something like “coño”!

That is an word used mostly In Spain and some parts of the caribbean, not in Argentinien.

I see, actually I learned it from the Scarface movie.:smiley:

Those are cubans of course.

I suggest some argentine action movie, so you can learn more “our” languaje.

Yes i agree. I have seen a couple of accidents when cars have hit large animals like cows and horses. Not a pretty sight to see car, passengers and animal after that. The rally crew in the clip was very fortunate.