For Americans : Without being upset !!!!?

Do you think that Germany is better than USA in fast developing !! i mean in WWII Germany was so powerful and i think that they have massive abilities in all fields … but in the military aspect … do you think that Germany makes the best weapons ??? … i read that all sniper rifles put scopes from Karl Zeiss … and he was a German guy !!!

ok and for (Real American) : You say so coz u r american … and you love your country but german made Stg44 Machine guns … and their navy … though small … but made you huge damage … and don’t forget what they did in Tabruq … i know more history than you do pal … and i assure you if US was fighting germany alone … germany would be the winner !

As for (Prince) : you say that Germany is nothing without US … but after WWI Germany became more Powerful in a few years … and almost waged war on all Europe and US … coz Italy was shitty (Sorry for that) … so Germany can do without US !

Where’s the DELETE button…:roll:


We’ll leave it there for a while so everyone can see what a semi-literate, neo-Nazi, trolling, ****wit rileykathleen is.

The lovely kathleen riley is, much as it may astonish you from her (probably his, but there’s nothing wrong with being a transvestite) fractured English and stated location in New York, actually coming to us from India. Delhi actually.

I think we all have much to learn from kathy who says “i know more history than you do pal”.

I’d really like the lovely kathy to give us some more pearls of wisdom about WWII, preferably a bit more original than copying and pasting her rubbish from

Then in due course, if she can’t make a useful contribution, we’ll drop the banhammer on the silly bitch.

He even copy-pasted the answer he received on the other board! XD

Yes, this is correct.

Obviously you are aware of the little known fact that under secret contracts signed by Carl (not Karl) Zeiss with all the Allied powers in the years 1937-39, Zeiss continued to supply the Americans, Soviets, British and British Commonwealth forces with optics which were in fact superior to those Zeiss supplied to German forces.

The supply lines went through Spain, where Franco relied heavily upon Zeiss rock-penetrating optics to keep an eye on the British in Gibraltar, and then onto Spanish sardine boats where the silvery lenses could be concealed among the silvery fish before being transferred to British ships and submarines for transport back to Britain and distribution to the other Allies.

The brilliant Zeiss nightsight (Nacht in Tag IV) was supplied only to the Allies, which enabled them to shoot Germans at night without any effective response from the Germans.

Zeiss did this so it would be able to challenge the Eastman Kodak empire after the war Zeiss knew Germany would lose.

In gratitude, in 1945 the Americans rescued Zeiss senior management and technicians from what would become East Germany so they could re-establish manufacturing in the Western zone, although this was not entirely successful.

He/she must be a relative of Subhas Chandra Bose.


Herr Zeiss collaborated with others to improve the quality of life for all Germans, as this exerpt from Wiki will show.
“met Otto Schott, a 30 year old glass chemist who had just received his doctorate. They collaborated and soon produced a new type of glass in 1886”

Schott glass.jpg

Well, it’s Ok to joke about someone like “her”, but where does one start to educate someone as ignorant and ill-informed as Rileykathleen?

When one is so gullible that one swallows the propaganda that Germany was technologically superior to the rest of the world, and ignores their many technical failures, I suppose the pre-requisite for education, an open mind, is missing.

I can only suggest researching Germany’s “massive” technical lead in the race for the atomic bomb; let’s see, after seven years of trying, Germans still couldn’t get a nuclear reactor to work, while Fermi, an Italian (s****y, though they were), working in America, managed to build a working one in about a year.

Dont you know that Porkins is the Standard issued American combatant ??? … I know everything and im right … no one could have a better opinion! Porkins forever!!! :mrgreen:

Yes a bit much … but I had fun doing it! :wink:

Porkins, Porkins, Uber alles,

Dare I ask what the hell a Porkin is when it’s at home?

Maybe a merkin, but made out of pork?

Why, he’s the Porkins of his castle!
