Forakse the troops?

This Crook guy makes me sick, I should give his address to my friend when he comes back from Iraq! :evil:

I’ve seen the subject site before, and heard a little about its creator. He has a reputation as a rather special person. I suspect he is deeply unfulfilled in real life.

He actually strikes me as a neglected child - he wants attention, and he’s found a way of getting lots of it. He may prefer negative attention to no attention at all. How many other people have websites that get them on national TV or get hundreds of people from around the world to post comments on that website. He may also have had a bad experience with a person connected to the Armed Forces, which would give me the initial hostility that he’s nurtured until it starts to consume him. I say consume as he can’t stop because that would mean he returned to being the weirdo no one speaks to. [/psychobabble]

That people like him exist is a great shame. What he says disgusts me. Having said that, I would rather live in a society that tolerates him than one which would silence him (or worse). Untermensch?

As far as I know, Crook was traced by posters on a US Marine website, who discovered another site of his where he told how he had tried to join the military and been washed out after three weeks on medical grounds.
Since then, he has also “faked” his own death on the site, including “bereaved messages” from his (ex)wife, whom he claims to have left along with his child because he “discovered” he was gay.
I don’t know the truth of the man, only that he seems a very troubled individual.

The man dos have the right to free speech, but with that he also has the right to offend people, which is what he is doing to obtain attention. I would much rather be an unknown figure than a figure of mass hatred, a good kicking in the street is the highest compliment he will get for this site, that sounds worse than being on national television.

Apologies for bumping this back to the top, but I have a heads up, courtesy of

The individual who made the forsake our troops website is alive. He has not been beaten to death, not by members of the US military and not in front of his family. The claim is false - like most other things he has published. Apparently he has a wife and children. The wife is (presumably) an adult, capable of making her own stupid decisions. I hope child protection agencies are taking a close interest in the children. For full poetic justice, I’m sure the UK could spare expert paediatrician Roy Meadows to advise on the case.

[edited to add - Just noticed Reiver beat me to the ‘faked his own death’ notice. Note to self: Read other posts more carefully before jumping up and down with exciting new information that actually isn’t]

No kidding. That dork needs to ^&((&^((^%(^%!!! He’s shameful. If he is so hateful toward the US military, the freakin’ shitbag should leave for some dirt poor 3rd world country.

Thanks for posting that. I enjoy seeing the sheer breadth of human intelligence on both ends of the scale.


God, what and a**hole. Like the guy said on the news, if our soldiers werent out there protecting our freedom and stuff then he wouldnt be able to say shameful things like that about our troops. This guy needs to get a f*&$ing life.

YESSSS the domain removed his site from the server!! muahhahahahaha :smiley: