Forced blood donors

Not for flaming…
Exists there any sources (The Germans would be most interesting) mentioning cases where German personnel would take by force donor blood for German wounded soldiers from occupied population?

In Bielorussia exists memorial complex dedicated to the children victims - forced blood donors - whose whole blood was taken from them until their died. The number of victims is in the range of app. 2000 children of the age of 8 - 14 years. The blood was allegedly taken for the wounded officers in the hospital located in the village “Krasny Bereg” in this building.

The only German source I heard of was that some of these children forced donors who survived received some monetary compensation some time ago - 1.540 Euro (or 3000 DMK).
Here is a documentary in German on this issue.
Have in mind that my German is zero.

Even allowing that there was a distinction between Nazis and Germans, it seems a bit odd that the Aryan master race would allow itself to be polluted with blood from untermenschen.

According to a survivor’s report that’s exactly what they did. Since I never heard about these incidents I checked the web after reading Egorka’s post. I read about an orphanage at Sokolniki/Ukraine where only 56 of 2000 children survived the German occupation. Strange enough, the Germans deported the “Aryan looking” children to Germany and used Slav and Gipsy children for blood donors.
As mentioned this is told of a Ukrainian survivor, I never heard or read anything about this issue in Germany (don’t really doubt it though). According to the survivor these occurences are supposed to be pretty unknown in the former Soviet states as well since the people that were (mis-)used for blood donors feared reprisals by the Soviet government for helping the Germans by donating blood…

As I know the Nazi ideologist considered Slavic nation to spring from the Nordic race, and therefore possessing remainder of it. Therefore it was not completely against the “rules”.
On the other hand in one of the reports on the subject it was mentioned that children from orphanages were segregated first. The children with Jewish and Jippsy background were not used as blood donors and were eliminated.

This one, AFAIU, mentions children donors.
“Am linken Flußufer kommt man kurz vor der Stadt Salaspils zum Konzentrationslager Salaspils (dt. Kurtenhof). An das Arbeitslager, in dem Schätzungen zufolge mehr als 100000 Menschen den Tod fanden, erinnert eine langsam verfallende Gedenkstätte. In akribisch geführten Listen wurde festgehalten, wie viele Menschen das Lager durchliefen: 330032 Kriegsgefangene und 313 789 Zivilisten, unter ihnen 39 835 Kinder. Vor allem den Kindern wurde systematisch und ohne Rücksicht auf ihr Leben Blut abgenommen. Die Blutkonserven verlängerten das Leben einiger Soldaten der Wehrmacht.

Google translation:
“On the left bank of the river to get close to the city to the Salaspils concentration camp Salaspils (dt Kurtenhof). According to the labor camp in which estimates more than 100,000 people were killed, recalls a slowly decaying memorial. In meticulously kept lists has been detained, how many people went through the camp: 330,032 prisoners of war and 313 789 civilians, including 39 835 children. In particular, the children were systematically removed and regardless of their life blood. The Blood Bank extended the lives of some soldiers of the Wehrmacht.”

I thought I had heard of all the depravity and callousness of which mankind is capable, but I was wrong.

This is a new low.