Foreign troops, Mercenaries and Defence Contractors.

does exactly what it says on the tin.

If you have any views, then lets “discuss” them and reach an agreement, informed posts only please. all claims to be reasoned, and or substantiated. References please if you are going to claim things that arent generally agreed.

Gentleen carry on…

This is not a slanging match!

French Foreign Legion:
French Embassy in US:


What you mean actually?

I was involved in a previous thread where bizarre claims were made and substantiated with dubious references I hope to avoid the same thing here.

I also hope to see if there is a response from the said individulas in this thread!

The French Foreign legion is a very interesting military. You basically lose your passport and become French.

YOU lose more than your passpirt, Provided you have not been “convicted” of either murder or rape, they will enlist you and provide you with anonymity and state protection, You can Jump bail whilst a suspect for these crimes and they will still take you. No wonder they are hardcore!

Yes, that is an important fact, I must remember that…

Maybe the US would be a great recruitment source for them considering we have the highest incarseration rate in the world. :smiley: They are more than welcome to them in my opinion.

These days there is a seroius Interpol background check made of potential recruits to the LE, if you’ve been nicked or are wanted for certain crimes then you’ve a snowball’s chance. There will however always be the exception that proves the rule, plus anything that adds to the mystique of the Legion will receive a certain degree of tacit approval.
Parking or speeding fines, and ex-wives wailing about maintenance tend to be ignored.

You only lose use of your passport for a certain period of time, it will be returned to you on completion of your contract, ie. a minimum of five years.
Most Legionnaires are offered the option of accepting French nationality when they leave, provided they don’t leave over the fence !

Am i right in assuming that any nationality (within reason obviously) can join the US forces as a squaddie? In a scheme that looks remarkably similiar to the Roman Auxiliaries.

You would have to ask IRONINGMAN, I dont know! :stuck_out_tongue:

ah yes IRONINGMAN the font of all military knowledge, what wise sagely advice does he have for us today? :lol:

Not sure, but I think they run some sort of “passport for service” scheme, in which you can be granted citizenship if you do a number of years in the army.

Not sure, but I think they run some sort of “passport for service” scheme, in which you can be granted citizenship if you do a number of years in the army.[/quote]

Im not really sure but for just some joe blow from wherever isnt probably going to be able to join the Marine Corps(for example) and be allowed to use hi-tech weaponery without being a citizen first. Maybe there is some special section for foreign people. But any nation would be kinda stupid just to let anyone in to learn and use classified materials. I could see throwing a couple of people some guns to help us fight but not automaticially join the US armed forces. “Oh here person we dont know come here and learn about our F/A-22 Raptor. We are sure you wont pass the knowledge on coz you are such a nice person to come fight for us.” :roll: …uh NO :!:

Somalia, warlord Adhid’s son was a signaller in the USMC
yes he did pass the information on, no you didnt catch Adhid

No offense but thats a pretty vague post. And no we didnt catch Adhid for the same reasons we didnt catch Hitler. Something to do with being dead.

my mistake - just doing a check on whether that was true. because I cant find it now, retraction is in on the way. Will check on SNOPE

article on green card marines is in defence contractors thread.
and in places in the locked falkalnd thread.

Not sure, but I think they run some sort of “passport for service” scheme, in which you can be granted citizenship if you do a number of years in the army.[/quote]

Im not really sure but for just some joe blow from wherever isnt probably going to be able to join the Marine Corps(for example) and be allowed to use hi-tech weaponery without being a citizen first. Maybe there is some special section for foreign people. But any nation would be kinda stupid just to let anyone in to learn and use classified materials. I could see throwing a couple of people some guns to help us fight but not automaticially join the US armed forces. “Oh here person we dont know come here and learn about our F/A-22 Raptor. We are sure you wont pass the knowledge on coz you are such a nice person to come fight for us.” :roll: …uh NO :!:[/quote]
General : Lifted from Bluffcove’s posted link above:

Latinos comprise more than a third of the 41,000 foreign citizens in the U.S. fighting force, according to the Defense Department, with the largest number – 8,539 – from California. Immigrant troops are most visible in the Army and Marines, the services with the highest casualty rates in Iraq, but barely present in the Navy and Air Force, Pentagon records show.

The article makes for interesting reading, especially in view of some statements posted on this forum as fact, in the past.
You’ll note that the dead Latino who is the basis of the story was serving in the Marine Corps at the time of his death. RIP


If I have served in the U.S. Military can this help in my application for citizenship?

If a person has been a permanent resident or green card holder and has been serving, or has served, in the U.S. Military for three years or longer, s/he may be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship. In addition, some of the other requirements for citizenship could be waived. Also, if one has fought for the U.S. during a period of active hostilities, such s/he may be able to file for citizenship directly without even having been a permanent resident of the U.S.! It is advisable to discuss these issues with an immigration attorney if you believe that you fall into one of these categories and could be eligible for expedited citizenship processing.

This is from the US Govt:

So the points mentioned by certain posters on certain threads before seem to be totally wrong. According to this, you dont even have had to live in the US to serve in the Military.

Citizenship for Service, but its not mercenary.