Forum Colours + Header

As you can all see, I’ve changed the forum colour to fit with the rest of the website. I also added the header to integrate the forum with the photo section.
What do you guys think? Should anything be changed? ie. font background etc. too light/too dark.


Its really quite good and does fit in well and is very readable too. Well done mate.

I like the scheme very much. But I do wish it was just a little darker…

yoou mean the font?

Yeah. It’s just a little on the light side for me. I’d like a slightly darker brown/khaki. But it looks great either way and it doesn’t really matter that much…

Agreed, I’ve got an oldish TFT screen against a bright window, and the browns are very hard to read. A bit darker would be great.

ok. it is a bit darker now.
is it dark enough?

Suits me.

I’ve had a PM from a member with sight problems who has difficulty with the new colours.

He might not be the only one with such problems.

Here is his response to my request for more info to post here for mod and admin consideration.

PAS 78 are the goo practice guidelines, though without most of the techie stuff. It’s a good introduction but we who use vBulletin are buggered from the start because of the inbuilt coding and the sheer number of menues, sub-menues, buttons etc:

The technical stuff is on the W3C website. However, there are no clear single point guidelines on there, but rather elements that affect different types of websites. I find that the best thing is to use the search box for specific issues.

Hiowever, the tool AccessColor would be useful for what we have been talking about

Just type in the url and you get the following

Report summary

The W3C recommends a standard of 500 or greater for the color difference and a standard of 125 or greater for color brightness.

Based on these considerations, the results for this page are:

Both color difference and color brightness do not meet the recommended standard for 2.03% of the total text.

A Fail message is displayed next to the HTML source line.

Either color difference or color brightness does not meet the recommended standard for 25.28% of the total the text.

A Warning message is displayed next to the HTML source line.

Where either the foreground or background is not defined, then the values for color difference and color brightness are n/a.

The W3C recommendation is:

and then the report gives a line by line analysis of the front page.

Hope that helps

I did make it darker the other day and just ran the test:

The AccessColor results show that for this page,both color difference and color brightness meet the recommended standard .

Also users can now switch back to the blue profile if they like in their user settings.

I did make it darker the other day and just ran the test:

The AccessColor results show that for this page,both color difference and color brightness meet the recommended standard .

Also users can now switch back to the blue profile if they like in their user settings.


I’ve relayed that to the member who made the comments I previously posted, and I’ve relayed your comment above to him. Here’s his response, which I think makes some good points in the second and third paragraphs about informing members about using the new skin.

I have a feeling that Procyon only ran the test on the front page. The issue is more prominent on “today’s posts” page where the unread posts are in bold (and hence the contrast is greater) and those that have been read (which then blend into the foreground).

Anyway, the blue helps. Just one more thing. The default for the forum is the existing “champagne” colour and the blue is stored as cookie. Like many people I delete cookies every night and the default reverts. I have no problem with that as I know how to reset it back to blue.

But apart from the comments in that thread about the changes, there have been no announcements, stickies etc letting people know that this skin is available. New members won’t know. So a sticky or an additional line in the banner may help.

The internet has been a godsend for many people with various disabilities as it allows them to engage with other people in ways previously denied to them. Apart from equal opportunity principles, it makes good sense for a site to accommodate people with disabilities as they are probably a disproportionately large segment of internet users.