Forza Italia ! - Italian Forces | Gallery

Forza Italia !

Troopers of the 3rd Regiment "Savoia Cavalleria" on the move in Russia. On 24 October, 1942 at Isbuscensky, while far from support from the rest of their Division (Celere Division "Principe Amadeo d'Aosta) some 650 cavaliers of 3rd Regiment, under the command of Colonel Count Alessandro Bettoni de Cazzago (a former Olympic horseman), supported by their machine-gun squadron, launched a full-scale sabre charge (frontal and flank) on a Soviet Red Army force of some 2,000 Siberian infantrymen. The charge broke the Soviet line; after a fierce fight (much of it conducted by Italian troopers on foot), the Soviet force was routed, leaving a substantial number of dead and some 500 prisoners in Italian hands. The unfortunate Soviets were, no doubt, not in the best of morale as they were in the rearguard of a retreat to the Don at the time; also, they can hardly have been expecting a charge from horsed cavalry. Nonetheless, the achievement of 650 cavalry in defeating a well-organised infantry force armed with modern weapons by means of a conventional sabre charge demands the highest respect. This is the sort of thing that was regarded as next to impossible, even in Napoleon's time. At the very least, it ranks high on the gallantry scale for any war. With respect, JR.

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Very good JR. But surely 70 years ago you’have never heard “forza Italia!”, but instead “Avanti Savoia!”, especially by a cavalry troop.

Quite right, DVX - it was just the most appropriate (if modern) thing I could think of at the time. Best regards, JR.