Found a possible ww2 gun

hi, im new to the boards and ive got a few questions about a rifle that i found. we were cleaning out my great grand fathers house about a week ago and we found a rifle and some stuff from when he was in the army. i know its made by winchester but i dont know the model or when it was made. i think it was his old hunting rifle but dad remembers the storys about him sneaking it back in the barrel of a sherman tank so it might be a ww2 rifle. about how much is this gun worth and whats it shoot?

we tossed most of his old stuff because we did not have room to keep it but i kept the rifle. dad had no interest in it so i took it and started making it in to a home defence rifle im going to mount a lazer and a flashlight and maby a red dot scope next time the gun show comes around ill keep you updated on the project as it goes.

heres some pictures and videos of my project.

Click here to watch 1-cut
Click here to watch 2-cut
Click here to watch 3-grind

the finish was slighly rough feeling to the touch so i sanded it down and made it nice and shiny. great grand pa would be proud.

i found out that its a garand from another forum. there kinda getting angery at me but i think it looks alot cooler:roll: ive got some pictures that we found with the rifle. ill post them on here later.

any one know what the patches on the uniform mean?

i found this rifle in my great grand fathers belongings while cleaning out his house. i did some mods to it. i did not even know what it was except my father thaught it was ww2 military. i found out on another forum that it was a m1 garand.

does any one know what the markings on the sleaves of the uniforum mean?

Edited by Dani: Topics merged. I seriously thinking of changing the name of this thread as well.

Congradulations you have turned a $1,000.00 rifle into a $500 rifle. Keep up the good work, and turn it into a $300 junker.

Btw it used to be a m1 Garand service rifle chambered in .30-06. Good luck firing that without the stock.

Also by throwing the uniforms away you probably threw away several hundred dollars.

I seriously hope this post is a joke. If not, you’re a stupid fu*ker!

bas was right… I had never seen bigger stupidity…

Did you really throw out the lot of this stuff, because “you had no room to keep it???”
Even if some memory of your grandfather mean nothing to you, imagine someone throwing possibly about $2000, just because he had no space in his wallet…
And I give you some advice: After all you did, never go even close to some re-enactors group. And never tell anyone what you just did.
Some guys are passionate and you maybe in serious trouble.
Better stay on your sofa and watch the box.


Too pity that your father had no interest in the rifle. He wouldn’t let you do what you did.

At 17 years (assuming that 1989 from your name is your birth year and considering your posting style) I thought that you should be more wise.

Please have mercy on us and stop posting updates of your “project”.

Joining this board might be a good opportunity for you to understand the past and to realise what stupid thing you did with your grandfather’s rifle.

Thou its sad tp see and I agree with Dani and the other members…ill be a bit nicer. Please come here and learn. Next time you find an old rifle find out what it is first. Or hell send it to me. Ill take care of it for you :slight_smile: No more home defense weapons…of old rifles anyhow. Wal-mart ones are good enought. My dad would have kicked me up side the head if i would have sawed down the Japanese Arisaka rifle my grandpa brought back from the pacific.

While you made a mistake in destroying a nice piece of history … which sucks… but hopefully now youll now better. Please feel free to ask questions here. Thats what the site is for.

And as for your project…dont think most of the members would be that keen on seeing it.

Anyhow welcome and I hope you learn something. Maybe we can figure out the patches on the shirt.

ok ok im not going to let this go any farther. this was a joke. i own 9 m1 garands. the “winchester garand” pictured is actually 3 guns a H&R (first garand pictured on the bed), a winchester (reciever picture with photochoped serial number), and a polished SA wall hanger that was assambled from junk parts. i build garands 03s and carbines on the side for fun, i take stripped recievers and make them in to nice firearms with correct parts. me and a buddy pulled this prank on blade forums to frazzle a few friends who post on that site. they are garand NUTS even more so than i am.

the stock however is a unfortunite story, it is a verry rare HR offcenter stock that few were made of before the company lost there contract because the guns were not centered in the stock and actually left part of the rear of the reciever overhanging. the ONLY reasion i used it was because saturday my 1400 correct HR garand blew up because of a double loaded ka headstamped korean surplus ammo. luckly the gun survived unharmed besides the gasses breaking the stock in half longways. after i cut the stock on the saw the only thing holding it togeather was the front band, we had to fix it with school glue. so we could take the pictures. its sence been totaly destroyed. the really bad part is that ive seen rougher counterparts to that stock sell on gun sites for over 500.

i had these guys going pretty good, i thaught they were going to hang me and im sure a few of them would have if they could have gotten there hands on me.

the uniform and pictures are legit, they actually belonged to my late great uncle. he suffered from shell shock after the war and lived till the mid 80s. in the war he carried a rockola carbine (i know because of the rare I cut stock that he is pictured with)and was certified for a machine gun, im assuming the tommy gun because of the patches on the shirt. he was in and around layte and lazon if im spelling those correctly and was on the battle ship at the surrender, note the pictures in the other forum.

does anyone know what the patches mean?

It’s interesting because the patch looks like somehow mirroring the shoulder patch of the Royal Commando.



if i still have a account in the morning ill post scans of my great uncles disscharge papers, personal letters, and a letter from the president.
heres a few of the ww2 pictures, however we have missplaced the battle photos that included one of a shirman tank bogged down in mud and about 30 jap bodys laying around the tank. on the back was writen “phillipenes, traped in tank surrounded” and dated

i have one question about the surrender photos, could he have taken those or would they have been given out to troops that were on board the ship?

It’s interesting because the patch looks like somehow mirroring the shoulder patch of the Royal Commando.

is it possable to decode the stripes/bars pinned to the front? what would they tell us?

:smiley: :smiley: Ask Gen. Sandworm.:wink:

you know the funny thing is that uniform fits me perfectly. i put it on one time and walked threw the house, my grand mother said i looked just like her brother. theres no way to tell but i think it may be the same uniform, atleast type of uniform as hes wearing in the picture of him setting on the jeep with his girlfriend.

Well I had trouble finding out what the others were but the first one is most likely the Army Good Conduct ribbon.

You can try searching here

But these are the modern. Not sure how much they have changed since then.

I think I pinpointed shirt badges. My information come from Greg Czwartosz, one of best Polish experts on US Army.
This are ESB badges. Engineers Special Brigade. Extremely rare uniform. Your great uncle guyonthesofa, was a bloke with balls! More than that! These fellows were going in front of every landing to clear mine fields and obstacles under fire. According to Greg this uniform is worth as much as good, I repeat, good car - not Toyota!

I may one day forgive you the pain you caused me “butchering” this Garand.
Send me contact on prive and I contact you with Greg.
He was busy today, but will tell you also everything about stripes at the front. I just have to calm him down first. He said that he would smash your skull with this bastardized Garand.

Don’t play this sort of pranks on us, please…



Edited: And thanks to Lancer and his friend: