Foundation of the Site!

Its been just about 2 years since the site and forum were founded! Just like to reflect on some of the experiences that have gone on in the past 2 years.

  1. The Ironman incident.
  2. Mod confusion.
  3. Britain vs Argentina
  4. Erwin.
  5. Gurkas are cannon fodder and kill everybody.

Here are just a few from the past!

Gen what Ironman incident do you mean? Who was Ironman - loony provocateur? :wink:

A brief rundown of the man! Hall of fame flamer.

  1. The Ironman incident.
  2. Mod confusion.
  3. Britain vs Argentina
  4. Erwin.
  5. Gurkas are cannon fodder and kill everybody.

Sadly I came late to the britain vs Argentina discussion.

South American country, came 2nd the in Falklands War, down south in 82.
They do know how to do a good steak though. Armed forces tend to be like their national football team. Posturing flashy cheats who’ll try to kick you in the bollocks when the ref’s not looking.
Thy shall not impose the “Maradona mantle” on all of us! -DownSouth- Complain that their largely conscript Army was beaten, unfairly(?), by a Professional British outfit who in fairness did administer a Proper Shoeing. Argie Airforce was pretty nails in pressing home their attacks on RN ships … but still got a humping due to sloppy tactics. Argie Navy lost its cruiser (Nice one Maggie) and the Surface Fleet took a huff for the rest of the war. Naval Aviation and Marines however, were a different breed, accounting for some successes or at least decent efforts. A little known fact is that Argie Naval Aviation (8 A-4 Skyhawks and 4 Super Etendards) was indeed much more effective than the Air Force (over 100 Skyhawks, Mirage, Nesher/Daggers, Pucaras) with only 10% of their strength
crab-hating is, indeed, a world wide sport hehehe -DownSouth-. The marines held decently at Mount Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge against the Scots Guard, retreating in order once thay had exhausted their ammo.
Sadly, the country is currently producing a generation of feeble minded adolescents -and adults as well - who think they pretty much won the Falklands war (by virtue of govt. and mostly Air Force face saving propaganda. These claim they slaughtering the entire RAF, RN and cannon fodder Gurkha regiments) and that they still have a right to the islands. Guess their economy/self image is in the toilet … again! They are totally beneath contempt.
Government making noises about Falklands again in run up to 2007 elections. Some people never learn.
Indeed they do not. -DownSouth, an objective “Argie”-
That is it ? that is all they now about our country ?, that is not the arrse pedia but the Assholes pedia.

Disclaimer: The views in arrsepedia do not necessarily reflect the views of those at Etc, Etc, Etc… :wink:

Another good one I was reflecting on is the Intial name for the Argie models thread. If you read the 1st 5 pages it was quit a arguement.

Maybe we need a site Historian. :smiley:

Disclaimer: The views in arrsepedia do not necessarily reflect the views of those at Etc, Etc, Etc…

Sure they dont i would like to have a chat with the creator of this particular entry.

And the crazy MF Erwin had an enormous luck, he enter in this forum when I wasnt Mod. with me he would not last more than 2 seconds.

What do you mean the ironman incident? Would somebody private message me or post a reply?

Best thread to read is here:
It’s a bit of a marathon but really rather funny. At one point he was arguing with no less than four qualified aero engineers about the design of jet engines, and claiming that the “NASA for kids” website proved we were all wrong.

Basically he was a troll on an epic scale, and a number of us joined just to play with him (in the manner that a cat plays with it’s food!).

Feel free to edit it yourself - it’s a wiki after all. Just remember that the purpose of the Arrsepedia is fun, not information so make sure you aren’t a dullard when editing.
The last bit about “feeble minded adolescents” is I suspect aimed at Erwin and his various “friends” who all happened to have the same views (and probably IP Address) who descended on this forum in it’s early days. A fair number of us actually came over from Arrse to play with both Erwin and Ironman after someone spotted them and thought it would be fun.

Jet engines thread is here:
I think it eventually got up to five qualified engineers on one side, and Ironman on the other - with him convinced we were wrong!

Ok now I know where the incident came from.