Four tankers and dog

Guys I wish to tell you about film which changed my school imagination about WW2. This film was one of the best in the former Eastern European block. I remember when i study at school every summer school holidays soviet TV showed it.
I mean 21-series polish television film “Four tankers and dog” on the common russian mind the best polish film about WW2.This is excellent adventures film with good humour and romantic stories about 4 tankers (3 poles and 1 georgian) and german sheep dog Sharick in the crew of T-34-85 (Which also had personal name -RUBY).
Director - Konrad Nalecki
Date-1966 -1969 (film was created 3 year)
Actors -Franciszek Pieczka ( as Gustav) ,Janusz Gajos(as Janek) ,Roman Wilhelmi ( as lt. Olgard), Pola Raksa ( As Marysij), Vlodimesz Shpress ( as Grigogij) …
Bu the way Leutenant Olgard had the real prototype - soviet tanker Victor Tufijkov.

The driver and funny georgian Grisha and pet Sharick.

on the shoting of the film



Tank RUBY was the individual hero of film.

I think the brilliant success of this film was thanks to the excellent proportion of romantic, humour, soldier friendship and patriotic feelings.Music and songs were the good.
Besides film could be called as combat hit. There’we the scenes of combat T-34. Espesially my favorite scene when the germans captured the tank with crew, take the tanks ammunition and begin the “test of german artillery to the unarmed T-34 with the crew” (By the way this was the real fact in the Eastern front in 1941… germans bastards)

Sorry to say that, but this movie has been recently banned in polish state’s television. The reason was that it shows the communist propaganda version of history, what could have a bad influence on youth.
Ok, I agree that some things were really false, but it would be enough to gather few professors and let them discuss about the problem before every part was about to be transmitted. That would have much better influence on all.
I wonder how it was possible that for 15 years after the collapse of communism, nobody felt offended when the movie was shown on tv.
Fortunately, one of the commercial tv stations started to transmit the series, so Poles can still watch it.

I know this sad strory about forbidden this film on polish state tv mate.
The first russian TV-channel even dedicated the issure about this. I hear the version that this film ( which about veterans of AL) dislike the veterans of Home army (AK).Well I can understand the envy of AK-veterans
Another point was that this film showed germans as stupid and naive - this is obvious wrong becouse many other of WW2 comedies weren’t forbidden on polish tv. Regarding the “communist propoganda in film” indeed this film hadn’t any propogandic material ( therefore it was so popular among polish tenagers and children after communism down)
The polish crew during the film interacted with Red Army and even with russian officer. May be this is communist propoganda?
IMHO the guilt of this film was that Red Army was showed as the friend of polis troops. Certainly it’s not correct. Red Army was friendly just for AL. And this is the justly.
This film was very popular among the polish school-children ( the most popular hero was the dog Sharick) -the fact whic worry the polish gov . I think the simple fact that poles could fight with russians is the unpossible for the contemporary polis authorities.
The resaul of this is the indisputably the best polish TV-serial about the WW2 was sended to the archive.
Could we be the more reasonable than our politics?

That’s true. One of the biggest problems with this movie is that, it passes over in silence the huge involvement of AK in fighting Nazis. After watiching it somebody could think that nobody else liberated Poland but Red Army and Polish People’s Army (communist).


I cannot agree. In fact this film was filled with propaganda - of course not given straight. For example, there were no question about: Septmeber 17th 1939, Katyn, the fate of hundreds of thousands of poles sent to Far East by NKVD.
I can recall one symbolic moment:
When crew’s unit was about to enter the city of Chelm - one of officers said: “Soldiers, we are about to liberate FIRST polish city, Chelm!”.
Nobody even asked about all cities and villages taken by the Red Army in 1939, especially when majority of troops of Polish People’s Army were in fact former inhabitants of these eastern provinces of Poland.


I belive we could. The fact that we discuss such problems on this forum gives me hope that one day we can deal with our common history. Personally, I cannot imagine polish president Kaczynski or prime minister Kaczynski (doesn’t matter, one of them ;)) talking to president Putin about Katyn and other aspects of the past.
But we do it almost all the time. Of course ww2incolor forum members witnessed some fierce battles between me, Lancer44, you, Sneaksie and Jasa. But we do discuss, and that makes a difference.

The movie based on book Janusz Przymanowski on this same title.
BTW tank was name Rudy not Ruby and have tactical number 102.
In book first tank was T-34/76 - After scen with testing ammo by germans crew got new tak T-34/85. After first emission TV series all tanks monument in Poland was “Rudy 102”
The orginal Rudy what’s play in movie (on scen inside tank) is preserved in Tank Musuem in Poznan

Treason! The dog’s an infiltrator!


It is quite good but very naive serial story. First series were hummorus, but latest parts were stupid. Tank is RUDÝ (In english it means RED).

Hi Clausewitz,

nice to meet someone from the South :slight_smile:

It got to be said, that in Poland the series were always considered as a fairy-tale. But I must admit that for me and my generation it was first class war movie :wink:


This movie looks interesting. Shame we would never see it here in Australia.

I think it is stupid the movie has been banned. How else are people to learn from the mistakes of the past, or history in general?

I work with a couple of people born in Germany and they have no clue as to what happened sixty years ago, because all talk of it is banned. I believe it is worse in Japan.

Regards Digger.

Poláka jsem tady nikdy nečekal, myslel jsem, že tu jsou jen amerikáni.

for me and my generation it was first class war movie

Ano, já vím, ale mě je 15…

I didn´t think here is Pole. I thought here are only Americans.

for me and my generation it was first class war movie

Yes, I know, but I am 15…

S pozdravem

I have seen only parts of some episodes. All of them were so boooring.

Proste ma to nijako neohúrilo. :slight_smile:

Kruciš, tohle forum mě začíná překvapovat, ještě přitáhnem pár Čechů a Slováků a uspořádáme puč. :cool:

I liked 7th episode

Please, speak english :wink:

quote Kovalski:

Please, speak english

OK, I typed it in czech language because I didn´t think here are western Slavonians.

I liked 7th episode

This is english part of my reply

germans captured the tank with crew, take the tanks ammunition and begin the “test of german artillery to the unarmed T-34 with the crew” (By the way this was the real fact in the Eastern front in 1941… germans bastards)

hm, good to know the soviets did not commit anything like that and red army was always a brave and honorable one … :neutral:

the series was also shown on west-german TV when I was a child, but I cannot remember too much of it. what I know is that it was intended for kids, because it ran in the afternoon programme beside other children`s series. german TV always showed a lot series and movies from eastern countries, some chech series were quite famous here.
