French Army

anybody know about french forces?[/quote]

edit: weren`t them an army?? :oops:

Which French army?? :oops: :oops:
Edited: French Resistance was an army…

Free French Forces I suspect? Well, they worked mostly undercover with the with the S.O.E.

The Soviet air division “Normandia-Neman” was fully complected with french pilots, as I know…

They joined the RAF and also had their own free French army also they formed a unit of the SAS.

I knew SAS were only british,maybe I was wrong.

No the SAS were a British idea but had several countries forming sections including the French Australians and New zealanders can’t remember who else right now.

The Australian SAS fought in Vietnam with a very high ratio of kills to deaths.

The idea for Delta Force came from an American who had been attached to the SAS for a while.I have the book he wrote about it and it makes interesting reading, even covers the ill fated attempt to rescue the hostages from Tehran.

Free French soldiers participated in British and Allied campaigns in Libya and Egypt. General Marie Pierre Koenig and his unit (13e Demi-brigade de Légion étrangère) fought well against the Afrika Korps at the Bir Hakeim in June 1942. Free French forces also fought Italian troops in Ethiopia and Eritrea and faced French troops loyal to Vichy France in Syria and Lebanon.

The American faced some resistance to the Vichy French Troops as they landed in Africa for Operation Torch. The French troops fought a bit but surrendered pretty easily afterwords and then fought along side the Americans.

In UK - 1944

In France - 1944

Not WWII, but press releases from AP and UPI have reported that the French Government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “run” to “hide.”

The only two higher levels in France are “surrender” and “collaborate.”

The raise was precipitated by the recent fire which destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively disabling their military.


cruel, cruel, cruel

but true

Yes ive heard that too, it came from

White Flag Factory???

:lol: :lol: Yep. :lol: :lol: This is a good one!!! White Flags Factory :lol: :lol:

:lol: LOL !!! Really - LOL.

I hope that is no angry French among us. :smiley: :smiley:

And if there were any angry french amongst us… what would they do?

They would have four options:

