French Jewish resistant fighter. - French Forces | Gallery

French Jewish resistant fighter.

Régine-Ariane Knout, daughter of Russian composer Alexandr Scriabin, convert to Judaism and wife of Jewish poet David Knout. Ariane Knout was not a child-rescuer; she was a founder/organiser of the Armeé Juive (AJ) an armed resistance group active in the Langedoc-Rousillon area of the South of France. She was involved in arms procurement for the group, and liaison between the AJ and other Resisistance groups in the region. Ariane Knout was killed in action in an ambush by the Vichy Milicé in July, 1944. Best regards, JR.

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Some may ask - why do there seem to have been so many women in the Jewish Resistance ? One reason is that women seem to have been slightly better than men when it came to the forced labour drafts - or worse - that severely depleted the supply of Jewish men who might have been interested in involving themselves in the fight. It is not that men were not there - just that women seem to have been in a position to play a very large part. Best regards, JR.