French POW´s - French Forces | Gallery

French POW´s

Epinal , France , 1940 - Colonial forces surrending Saludos Jorge

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

You’re right there Frank.I just saw a documentary on the Pinkville/MyLai incident.Those points you make are also put forward by the researchers into that incident.

If one realy looks at Vietnam and considers that there was a draft going on and poor Blacks/Whites who did not have high school deplomas like my self(white and USN) from Alabama were placed in ground units becouse of advance train class were given to H.S. grads. Also politico’s controled where you were sent. Remember the U.S. had almost 1,000,000 assigned to NATO. The army during vietman made the same mistake it did in WW2 and Korean War they sent green recurits into battle with out giving them time to learn fron the veterans.

Indeed unlike the Americans who did not recruit afromericanos almost until the war in Vietnam … some say the name of honor … but finally realized that anyone was good to die for the Fatherland
My comment may create some controversy across the Atlantic, but I think there are plenty of books that support my assertions
Saludos Jorge