Funeral of Josef "Sepp" Dietrich

I read a story recently about the funeral of Sepp Dietrich. Dying of a heart attack in 1966, it seems his funeral was quite the event… Over 7000 of his comrades attended and all his pallbearers held the Knight’s Cross. I was able to find a few pictures taken during the burial. It is quite interesting to think that all the old guys pictured in business suits were once the tip of the spear in one of the worlds most fearless armies.




Dietrich isn’t have more decoration?

I recall seeing footage in a documentary about him where the mourners actually gave Sepp and old fashioned Sieg Heil salute!

I bet that went over well in the Federal Republic. Do you remember the name of thr documentary? I’d like to see that part.

Sorry, I believe I was confusing this for the funeral of Otto Skorzeny, whose funeral took place in Spain (under Franco)…

Dietrich actually had as many medals as Patton - which was a lot. Presumably, those shown at the funeral were a selection of the most prestigious awards, and would have in any case have excluded a myriad of potentially embarrassing “foreign” awards as well as political decorations. The middle-left photo shows Waffen SS Oberstgruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser (left) with Waffen SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich; the bottom-left 'photo shows Bittrich delivering the funeral oration. Best regards, JR.

A photo of the funeral’s protagonist laid out:

Another portrait of Dietrich to get an idea of the decorations. Note the two-rowed ribbon bar:

I believe SS Brigadefuhrer Hugo Krass is also there. Pallbearer far right.


I’ve bben trying to match some of these folks up and I think I’ve got a few down if anyone is interested. 1. Papa Hauser



And we have Sturmbanfuhrer Heinz Macher. I believe he is on the far left. And he is holding the awards pillow.




And General Bittrich



Albert Stenwedel (1908-1997), Heinz Macher (1919-2001), Hugo Kraas (1911-1980)

On the left Heinz Macher and facing him Max Schafer.(2nd from the right) I 've been trying to figure out who the big guy in the middle is. Any ideas?

Heinz Lammerding in the middle front.



Karl Ullrich.

Great, thanks very much. Now only 1 more to go in that picture, the guy on the right.

This is a program from a reunion of the 1st SS with an earlier photo of Dietrich.


Actually it’s from a reunion of I. SS-Panzerkorps (1st & 12th SS-Panzer-Divisions).