
Since I asked for an Off-Topic forum thought I would get the ball rolling. I know most of you have probably seen this cause its OFN. However it makes me laugh everytime i see it.

oh man,that’s a classic!

and no forum would be complete without a link to the GI JOE cartoons.


Haha, i love the end of the world animation! Ive seen it so many times.

(Alaska can come too.)

ah,i love all things post-apocalyptic.any other Fallout fan here?

Fallout 1 and 2 were great games. I didnt get into tactics so much but looked like a pretty good game.

Since this is the funny I wanted to post this. True Story. K…so i live in the midwest US aka the bible belt. Its a favorite pastime of farmers to handout at the local gas station in the morning before they go farming or what not. Any how in southern Indiana there is a HUGE Toyota plant. So one day these 2 well dressed Japanese men stop in the gas station.
They walk up to the farmers and ask directions to the Toyota Plant.

And swear to god without missing a beat… the farmer replys …“why do you need directions to the toyota plant you all didnt have any trouble finding Pearl Harbor.”

Sad but funny. :lol:

Very sad, but alas funny :smiley:

Very sad, but alas funny :D[/quote]

Funny, but sad.

Did anyone watch G.I. Joe growing up? I thought those parodies i posted where funny as hell. Hasbro got kinda pissed about the whole thing.

Im sure that most of you have seen this as well. But for those of you that havent.

Bush and Blair at the Gay Bar.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

well if you are looking for a really good flash site with political content;

Thats a cool site lol

:smiley: Thats a pretty funny site

great flash!!! Its hilarious!

BTW, has anyone seen spongebong hemppants? That is da best!!! A must watch!!!

Sorry havent seen the Spongbob Hempants. But i did find a pretty funny and just wrong new site.

spongebong hemppants:

HAHA, yess Ive seen that site before. You know its a haox. No real hurting off animals, theres an article on snopes about it.

funny aint it??