Gaza being Returned

Gaza is finally being returns from Israel to Palestine! I think this is the most just thing that has happened with their conflict for sometime. But I also believe Israel deserves some land in the area.

So is this event maybe a chance to finally heal some political and personal feelings? I think yes but there is still a long way to go.

Yeah gaza is returned to palestinians ,but i think thats not stop the war,i saw in news palestinian militants will continue with fight,stupid terrorists.

I think you have to ask yourself, why do they continue to fight? What reason do they give?

I get the feeling it’s more to do with in-house rivalries between the PLO and Hamas, each trying to get a bigger slice of the cake.

The West Bank is a hell of a lot bigger than Gaza so there is still plenty to fight about.
A Torygraph article the other day suggested that the reason Gaza is hived off might not be as simple as “land for peace”. There are over one million palestinians in Gaza, two or three million in the West Bank and about 1.3 million Arabs in Israel. If the Palestinians suddenly grew a collective brain and instead of independence demanded citizenship - which they are entitled to if Gaza and the WB are and “intrinsic part of Israel” as the religious jewish types maintain - there would very soon be more arabs (third world birth rate) in Israel than Jews (first world birth rate). Therefore to prevent this Sharon needs to get rid of a substantial number of Palestinians so that even should the WB arabs demand citizenship they won’t overwhelm the Israelis.

You know and this is a bit off topic, but when I first saw this photo I thought it was about a certain English footballer. Imagine my dissapointment.

I think it is a great thing even though it most likely won’t stop the fighting. I’m just surprised, why does everyone keep pressuring Israel though when that little country can wipe them all out within a week o.o , I think only the UN really holds them back, and the UN also gives me funds :confused:

This is an extremely valid point, witness Kosovo, once almost entirely populated with Serbs. The Albanians moved in and their birth rate was tremendous. Its a good stealth tactic to take over a country. Just as well others do not realise this.

Why becouse they are stupid,they want all teritory for yourself,they never get it and that is fact,israel never give palestinians more teritory. :wink:

I would say “Stand by, Stand by” this could all get very smelly and brown if it is handled wrong!!!

Just wish old Yassa was still here with his tea towel.

He at least seemed to have some power of these lunatic fanatics.

Howmany of them see this as a sign of weakness/sign that they are right and will promptly step up a gear!!!

Why becouse they are stupid,they want all teritory for yourself,they never get it and that is fact,israel never give palestinians more teritory. :wink:[/quote]

Clauss. I really do suggest that you read up a bit on the Arab Israeli conflict a bit before making sweeping statements. The truth is a little more complicated than you suggest.

Try some research on Palestine/Israel starting in the 1920’s. I think you will find it very enlightening. Todays Terrorist is tommorows Government etc etc.

yeah!,glory for palestine,the israelis caused too much damage to their’s time to give them back.
good choice israel (i suppose) did.

I must research that. :wink:

I think it’s outrageous that the Palestinians are still conducting terror acts agains israel even while they are giving them the Gaza Strip. There is no sensibility to hatred. Gaza is not even the “original” homeland of the Palestinians. Thier old home was to the north. But it is an act of courage and decency by the Isralies to give them palestine. it could be the start of a Palestinian state, like they way the Israelis got their own. They should instead be rejoicing and working to establish themselves as a soverign state and establish relations with the UN.

As pointed out previously, Gaza is only a fraction of the occupied territories.

Im sure your attitude wouldnt be the same if your house was suddenly taken over by Canadians who decided it was their house now.

Difficut situation, not helped by the British after WW2 at all. My great uncle lost his leg in Palestine to a Jewish terrorist bomb.

Mind you he is pragmatic about things and does not hate Jews or Arabs, he just hates terrorists whatever creed they may be.

When I saw this I thought it was about the drunken Geordie.

LOL, se my post about 5-10 up!

I have missed so much, I skipped the start :oops: and went to the end, silly me.

Im sure your attitude wouldnt be the same if your house was suddenly taken over by Canadians who decided it was their house now.

Difficut situation, not helped by the British after WW2 at all. My great uncle lost his leg in Palestine to a Jewish terrorist bomb.

Mind you he is pragmatic about things and does not hate Jews or Arabs, he just hates terrorists whatever creed they may be.[/quote]

I understand the Israelis who lived there. But that’s not an excuse for the Palestinians to continue terrorist acts when Israel is making such a tremendous act of decency. Since when did Israel give Gaza to Canada?
